Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,96

situation better.”

Dalton wrapped an arm around Jewel and pulled her into his side. His own heart ached for the loss of such an amazing pair. When you lived as long as the Canis lupus, it was inevitable that you got to know other members of other packs. He hadn’t known Vasile and Alina well, but they were legends in the supernatural world. Everyone was aware of the story of the young male who’d taken over his pack at an early age and how he’d become the strongest alpha in history. They’d heard the stories of the strength he’d shown in the werewolf wars and how he’d held the loyalty of the largest Canis lupus pack in the world. Only a very powerful alpha could do that. And only a man of integrity could do that and not become corrupt.

“How is Fane?”

Dillon looked over Dalton’s shoulder back toward the room. “He hasn’t said much. He fell to his knees and hasn’t risen. He called out for his mate, my daughter,” he growled, “and the pain in his voice was enough to set my wolf on edge, ready to kill whatever it was that had caused the young pup to be in such agony because it meant that Jacque or Slate might be hurt. I knew Jacque wasn’t dead, but they could have been torturing her. Until Decebel announced what had happened, we didn’t have a clue.”

Dalton remembered when he’d lost his parents. It had been a horror that he’d never wish on anyone. If he could take Fane’s pain, he would in an instant.

“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Jewel spoke up. “But you mentioned they have the children of the Romania pack and their mothers. Is Sally one of those females?”

Dalton had totally forgotten that Jewel knew Sally. Sally had been a huge help when Jewel had been in a coma.

“She is,” Dalton confirmed.

“We have to get her back,” Jewel demanded. Dalton looked down at her, surprised by the tone of her voice.

Dillon growled. Dalton wanted to growl back but refrained. Dillon was alpha, and he had to keep everyone in their place, even Dalton’s mate.

“We will get them back, Jewel,” Dillon said. “But we can’t rush in. We have to make a plan, and at the moment, we have the largest pack in the world dealing with the loss of their beloved alpha pair. Do not mistake our inaction at the moment for lack of concern.”

Jewel lowered her head. “I apologize. Sally just means a lot to me.”

“All of those girls mean a lot to us. One of them is my daughter,” Dillon said.

Jewel’s head snapped back up, obviously having missed it when he’d mentioned Fane’s mate being his daughter. “I’m sorry. You’ve got a ton on your plate, and I had no right to demand. I’m a little out of sorts.”

“That’s understandable,” Dillon said. “Trust your mate to take care of you and know what you need. He knows how much Sally means to you, and I’ve no doubt you will be a valuable asset in assisting us. He will do everything he can to get her back, just as the rest of us will.”

Jewel looked up at Dalton, her eyes full of pain for her friend. “You know what he says is true.”

She nodded. “I do. And I will do whatever I can do to help.”

Dalton leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I know you will, little dove. You’re fierce when it comes to those you love.”

Aidan spoke for the first time. “What’s the short plan?”

“I have a feeling Peri and her mate will be here very soon. Fane is Lucian’s nephew. He will want to check on him. I’ve called her, but she hasn’t answered. I imagine it’s a cluster fu—” He stopped and looked over at Jewel and then changed what he was going to say. “I imagine it’s a mess over there right now.

“So for now, we do what we can to help Fane and Decebel. If that means giving them space, then we do that. If that means giving them an outlet for the emotions, then we get their asses in the sparring field and let them fight our pack members. It would be good training for our younger ones.”

Dalton agreed. He knew that when a wolf felt helpless and was hurting, one of the best things they could do to cope was to battle it out. To wear themselves out to the point of exhaustion so they didn’t do something stupid. Copyright 2016 - 2024