Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,75

as they tended to their fallen.

“Rachel,” Nissa called out as she saw the she-wolf who was also one of the Romania pack healers, fighting just past Cyn.

Rachel dispatched the vampire and then turned at the sound of her name. Her eyes widened as she recognized Drake on the ground. She hurried over and pushed in beside Nissa. When she saw the elf blade deeply embedded in Drake’s stomach, her face paled.

“This is beyond what I can heal,” Rachel said, her voice trembling. Her hands shook as she ripped the bottom of her shirt and wrapped it around the hilt that was touching Drake’s abdomen. “Hold the blade steady and apply pressure.” The healer looked at Vasile. Then she turned to Nissa. There were tears streaming down Rachel’s face. “Bethany,” she practically whispered. “Their baby.” Those two words came out more like a plea.

Nissa could think of only one thing that might be able to save Drake’s life: a sprite. But since it hadn’t been until recently that they’d actually had any contact with them, the sprites weren’t a resource she would have ever considered in the past.

Nissa nodded. “Stay with him,” she told Rachel. Then she stood and looked at Cyn, “I will be right back. Your mate and Gavril can protect them. You need to find Perizada and her mate. Now. I don’t care what you have to do, or where you have to go, but you bring them here as quickly as you can.”

Cyn nodded. The swords in her hands suddenly disappeared. “I’m on it. Go. Get Drake and Bethany help.” She flashed from the battlefield.

Nissa glanced around, checking on their army—people who had come to mean very much to her simply because she respected their desire to help those who needed it and because they didn’t give in to the pull of darkness that unbridled power offered them. They didn’t allow themselves to be motivated by what they could gain for themselves, but instead were willing to sacrifice their very lives for others. They were still fighting valiantly, but the battle was too evenly matched, and they weren’t necessarily winning. She saw that Alina had apparently killed her two vamps and now was facing off with two warlocks. “Dammit,” Nissa growled. She’d only faced one warlock, and that had been bad enough. But Alina was powerful. She was a warrior and knew how to fight.

“Nissa!” Vasile snarled.

She saw Alina kick one of the warlocks in the face, and it went flying. Yes, she will be fine. Nissa flashed to the sprite realm.

The queen of the sprites paced the great hall. As soon as Nissa appeared, the woman turned to face her. The look on Nissa’s face must have conveyed the seriousness of the situation.

“What do you need?” Andora asked without preamble.

Lucian paced in his mate’s living room. Not her living room, he thought. Our living room. They were mates. What was his was hers, and what was hers was his. He nearly grinned at what she would say to him if he told her that. He wasn’t surprised she hadn’t heard the thought through their bond. She’d been restless for the past few hours, and he knew she was ready to check on things with the Romania pack but also felt beholden to the five healers who’d recently been through hell.

Peri was worried because things had not gone as planned at the Arizona battle. First, they’d showed up to surprise the Order, and instead, they’d been the ones surprised. Then, Peri had been unable to stay and help them. Her first priority had been to the healers that the Great Luna had placed in her care.

Now, they’d defeated Volcan, but that didn’t mean everything was finished. The females were facing a new future. They had mates and would be going all over the world to take their place in their new packs. It was a lot to take in. They’d spent the last months just trying to survive. But now their focus was the fact that they essentially had husbands and were going to be joining families they’d never met. They were still relatively new to the supernatural world, and Peri was worried how they might accept these new realities.

He turned the minute he felt her presence in the room. As usual, she was stunning. She never failed to take his breath away and knew she never would. Her eyes were filled with unspoken confusion as she battled with what to do.

“How can I help?” He could Copyright 2016 - 2024