Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,62

pack. She didn’t like not knowing who she could trust. She thought the whole thing about the pack was that they were family, like the warlock king had said. They were one and would always have each other’s back. At least that was the impression she’d gotten from Vasile, Alina, Wadim, and the others. And Jen sure as heck made it seem like if you were one of the pack members, then you were solid. Who in their right mind would turn their back on that and betray such loyalty?

“People who aren’t in their right mind, Z,” Wadim answered, having heard her inner monologue.

Wadim led her to an empty seat, and she sat down beside him. The room filled up with the female wolves who weren’t battle trained and the fae warriors who had been positioned there by Nissa, who Wadim had explained was a high fae like Peri. Alina was the last to enter. Her face was lined with worry, but her shoulders were pulled back straight, and her chin was held high. She bore the weight of her burden as an alpha female with grace and poise. Zara had to admit that following Alina into battle, even into the depths of hell, wouldn’t be a difficult thing to do. She commanded that kind of loyalty. And those who knew her, and the kind of integrity she had, happily gave it.

“If you have been asked to stay in this room, it is not because you are weak. Do not mistake needing protection as being prey. You are precious just as every member of our pack is. Please trust Vasile and I to do what needs to be done to protect not only our family but others who need us as well. We will let you know when the threat has been neutralized. As your alpha female, I am ordering you not to leave this room until the all clear has been given.” Alina’s voice was strong and as bold as her steely gaze. She met the eyes of every person present, and when they landed on Zara, the young woman instinctively dropped her own. When she was sure the alpha female no longer stared at her, Zara raised them again.

“Those of you who have just gotten out of bed, I will give you a brief recap while you gear up. Alston, the high fae who now stands with the Order, has the pups.” Her voice seemed strained, but Zara was in awe of how the alpha female appeared to be holding up, even with her grandson in danger.

There was a low murmur of growls, but it was quickly silenced when Alina raised a hand to get their attention once again. “As you know, Jen, Jacque, Sally, and Costin have gone, at the request of Alston, to Arizona where the Order has made their headquarters. An army of elves, fae, and vampires that are loyal to the Order are currently marching toward us and could be here at any time.

“Nissa, Vale, Riven, Talia, and some of the other fae have managed to use their magic to keep them from flashing into the Keep. Your alpha is currently working out the best strategy to defend the stronghold. We cannot dwell on what we could have or should have done.” Alina glanced down and Zara followed Alina’s gaze. The alpha she-wolf's hands were shaking. She clenched them into fists, lowered them to her sides, and then looked back up at her pack. “Everyone who can fight, will. There is no time for pretty words. We either fight or we die.” With that, the fae standing next to her grabbed her arm and the arm of Rachel, who was standing beside her. Gavril, Rachel’s mate, placed his hand on the fae, and then they were gone.

Zara had asked Wadim why Gavril, an obviously strong male and old, which meant he had to be a good fighter, had not gone with the others to Arizona. Wadim had smirked at her and answered, “Gavril doesn’t leave his healer’s side. Ever.” He’d told her a little of their history, and after spending so much time alone together in hiding, she imagined it would be hard to be separated. She didn’t want to be separated from Wadim, and they’d only been together a short while.

Gradually, fae warriors began flashing wolves from the room. When one appeared next to Wadim and placed a hand on his shoulder, Zara’s eyes widened.

“I have to fight,” Wadim told her. “I don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024