Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,57

idea from a witch’s book. Stealing the powers of gypsy healers was not a new business. There were some things in the world that were just so pure that even evil things gravitated toward them. Or perhaps it was because they were so pure that evil things gravitated toward them. Whatever the reason, healer magic was unique in a world full of unique beings. But even as special as it was, the Order needed more than just Sally’s magic. She was simply a piece to the puzzle that they needed to solve. But it was a piece that was going to have to be put on pause. They had a battle to prepare for.

“Lucky you, little healer.” Alston walked over to her and began to remove the machine. “We’ve got important plans to make, and you’re going to get a break. Perhaps spending some time with your mate and child will remind you what is at stake if you continue to defy me.” The restraints fell away at his command, and he’d been ready to catch her, figuring she would be too exhausted to even stand. But instead, Alston found himself fending off a screaming banshee as she lunged for him.

“I’m going to kill you!” she roared as she clawed at his face.

He was so caught off guard that she managed to push him all the way against the back wall where she continued to slap, scratch, and even attempt to bite him when he pushed her arms away. Apparently, gypsy healer wasn’t the only thing she was. Hellcat needed to be added to her title. Once he’d finally regained his faculties, Alston spoke in his language, binding her immediately, and she froze with her arms reaching out toward him, her eyes wild with fury and her lips pulled back in a furious growl. “And here I thought you would be weak from all the fighting you were doing against my will.” He tsked her and then smiled. “I guess I’ll have to turn the power up a bit once we get back to it.”

He grabbed her arm and flashed them to the corridor just outside the door to the room where her mate and child were waiting. “I’m going to unbind you. If you do not want any harm to come to that mut of a child then I suggest you behave.” Alston released the binding spell and could see the visible restraint in Sally’s eyes. She really did want to kill him.

“I will be back. You need to think about what is most important to you. The human race or that man and child in there.” He pointed to the door. Then he used his power to unlock it. Without a word, she clutched the handle, pushed it open, then closed it quickly behind her. Alston immediately locked it and checked the wards that were around all of the rooms holding their prisoners.

Satisfied that things were as they should be, he headed for the building the fae warriors had claimed as their own. Now he would find out who was really loyal to him. Blood magic was not for the weak, and it left a mark on your soul that could never be washed clean.

Chapter 10

“When I think there is nothing left they could possibly take from me, I realize they can have absolutely anything they want. If they want my light, then I am damn well going to give it to them.” ~Sally

Sally was on her knees. The second the door closed behind her, all the strength she’d managed to muster fled. A heartbeat later, little arms wrapped around her and then larger arms wrapped around them. She was completely surrounded by love, and slowly it began to warm the cold that had filled her body. For a while, they simply knelt there on the floor as a family, soaking up the fact that they were back together. Four days had felt like four months. Sally hadn’t had any idea how much time had passed until Alston had told her. She’d kept the bond locked down tight for fear of what Costin might do if he realized what was happening to her. She knew he was going to be hurt by that action, but he was going to feel pain regardless. She had to choose what pain she let him experience at this point. Enduring her suffering along with her wasn’t something she was going to allow him.

Finally, his voice broke the silence. “I’m going to ask Copyright 2016 - 2024