Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,47

no previous names. I have always been Myanin.” Did humans have multiple names in their life span? That seemed silly considering they lived less than a century. Why would they need more than one name?

Wendy laughed again. The sound was getting annoying. “You are a hoot. So, where you come from, which I’m assuming must be another country, far from North America, you don’t have a surname. Like mine is Rhodes. But my first name is Wendy,” she explained.

“We have the one name given to us by the elders,” Myanin told her.

“Okay then,” Wendy said as a woman walked up to them.

“What can I get you to drink?” she asked. She was the serving wench, Myanin realized.

Wendy rattled off something called a martini neat. Why she needed to specify that she didn’t want her drink to be messy was another odd custom Myanin didn’t understand.

The woman looked at Myanin expectantly. “I will simply have water and make it neat as well,” she added, not wanting to have a glass covered and overflowing in the liquid. The server frowned as her mouth opened and then closed. Was she confused? Or maybe she needed to be dismissed. “You may go do your task now.”

Wendy laughed again.

“Wendy Rhodes,” Myanin said, her voice sharp, “why must you laugh so much?”

The female sighed. “Life is just too darn serious. You can either laugh or cry, you know?”

“No.” Myanin said. “There are many more options than simply laughing or crying. For instance, you could simply sit quietly.” Which Myanin felt she would greatly appreciate in that moment.

A few minutes later, the serving wench returned and placed their glasses in front of them. Myanin hadn’t realized how thirsty she’d been and immediately picked hers up and drained it before the server walked off.

“Another?” the wench asked.

Myanin nodded. “Please.”

“Alright,” Wendy said after taking a sip of her drink. “You’re too interesting to not have some sort of story. Tell me about yourself.”

Myanin tilted her head sideways and narrowed her eyes on the woman. Wendy seemed calm and not at all put off by Myanin’s abrupt nature that seemed to frighten other humans. She was curious to know how the woman would handle the truth.

Myanin downed her second glass of water in two quick gulps then leaned back and began her tale. “It started with a man.”

“Doesn’t it always.” Wendy huffed and rolled her eyes. “Go on, let’s hear what the jackass did.”

And so Myanin did. She left nothing out, nor omitted the fact that she was from another realm or that she was a supernatural being. She didn’t filter the fact that she’d murdered her captor or that she had plans to kill the jackass who’d gotten her held captive to begin with.

“And I’ve been making my way across the United States since I escaped four days ago,” she said. “I discovered many things. Like your cities have stupid names. There is absolutely no security in any of the territories. Oh, and cotton candy. I like that best. Then I ended up here in Las Vegas, again, stupid name. I was curious about the bright lights and what was drawing so many humans toward them. Then I saw you, and here we are. I must be going soon, though. I still have things to do before Ludcarab decides to come looking for me.”

“Lud-crab,” Wendy said slowly, her eyes looking a little odd. “That’s the elf king?”

“Correct.” Myanin leaned forward. “Are you alright?”

“I’m trying to decide if you’re actually describing a book you read, if you’re on drugs, or if you’re crazy.”

Myanin sighed. Of course the human would not believe her. Humans resisted things that didn’t make sense to them. She’d learned that from Thadrick, the jackass. She smiled. She couldn’t wait to call him a jackass to his face. If nothing else, Wendy gave her that.

“I’m none of those things,” Myanin said as she stood up and pushed the chair under the table. “I am, however, grateful for the drink. Even if your company was slightly less than ideal, and I wouldn’t choose to do this again with you.”

Wendy stood quickly and held out her hands. “Wait. Are you going to be okay? I mean, no offense Myanin, but you are a few heifers shy of a herd. I mean, at first I was shocked, but now I realize you probably need some help.”

“The only help I need is to find the jackass, Thadrick, so I can put my blade through his heart.” Myanin started for the door, Copyright 2016 - 2024