Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,22

if anymore supernaturals would show up. When no one did, she sighed. Not that she didn’t relish another battle, but she wasn’t here to play.

She pulled from her back pocket the card the vampire had given her. There was one name on it and a number.

Ludcarab 602-666-6666

She snorted at the phone number. She was well aware of the human belief of the devil and the number related to him. It seemed a little much to her, but then if she remembered correctly, the king of the elves did have a flare for dramatics.

The fact that the vamp would give her the elf king’s number just solidified the information she’d learned from Lyra’s mind. Ludcarab was one of the leaders of the Order. She hadn’t known that the Order was even still functioning. Apparently, they were suddenly thriving … and using vamps as their henchmen.

According to the archived information in the elder’s head, Ludcarab and his merry band of mad supernaturals were in the human realm, operating in the United States, somewhere in Arizona. Considering Myanin had only been in the human realm a few times, finding Arizona was going to take some figuring out. She didn’t even know the name of the human city where Thadrick’s house was located. She had no clue how far she was from this Arizona. She could move at a supernatural speed, faster than any other supernatural other than the fae’s ability to flash, but she’d have to acquire a map or one of those phones humans used with GPS. She strode purposefully down the cracked walkway, flattening the weeds growing up through the cracks. She had no idea what direction to go, so she just walked and assumed she’d eventually come upon a human. Fifteen minutes later, three turns, and finally leaving the dilapidated area of town where Thad lived, she saw a human male walking toward her. He’d probably know where she could get a map or phone. Moving faster than the human eye could track, she appeared in front of him an instant later. The man nearly fell backward, likely surprised by her sudden appearance.

“I need a map of this realm,” she said, her voice a command. “Or a phone so I can use the GPS thing.”

“R-r-realm?” The male stuttered.

She could sense his fear, and she smiled inwardly. Stupid humans. “Yes. The human realm. This place.” She waved her hands around her. Oh, yes, country. That’s what the land was called here. A country. “This country,” she corrected herself.

“You mean the United States?”

“Sure, sure. Whatever. Where do I get either of these items?”

“There’s a d-d-department store just down the street.” His teeth were chattering now, and Myanin thought it was a miracle he hadn’t lost his bowels.

“What is a d-d-department store?” Geez, where did they come up with these ridiculous names?

“It’s a store?” His answer sounded more like a question than an explanation.

“Are you not sure? Have you ever been to this d-d-department store place?”

“No, it’s called a department store. Of course I’ve been there. Who hasn’t?” the male responded, a hint of indignation creeping into his voice. So, he wasn’t as completely ball-less as he first seemed.

“Considering I’m asking you about it, obviously I have not. Are all humans this dense?” Before he could respond with more than the shocked look he gave her, she walked past him and headed in the direction he’d indicated.

Several blocks later, she came upon a large brown structure sporting huge, white glowing letters announcing the store’s name. The human was right. Who wouldn’t have been to a store like this when you could probably see it from another realm? Structurally, it was hideous, but then most human buildings were. It was like they had no imagination or creativity when it came to their architecture. Everything was square or rectangular. When she walked inside, Myanin discovered that the interior was even worse. Bright lights reflected a polished pale floor. Useless junk was everywhere, overwhelming her senses. Why on earth would anyone willingly come into a place like this?

An elderly woman in a blue shirt and bright yellow vest suddenly popped up in her line of sight, much too close. Myanin forced herself not to punch the old lady in the face simply from surprise.

“Welcome,” the woman said with a huge grin. “Do you need any help finding anything?”

She scoffed. “Obviously. How in the gods' names does anyone actually locate what they seek in this chaos?”

The woman laughed, her eyes alight with joy as if she had Copyright 2016 - 2024