Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,2

that would destroy the world as they knew it.

Decebel noticed dark storm clouds beginning to form overhead and realized the elemental sprites were doing their thing. There was a huge boom of thunder, and then right on the heels, flashes of lightning hit the ground where their enemy stood. The earth beneath his feet shook, and Decebel jumped to keep from being thrown off balance. When he landed, he pulled on the power of his wolf to give him the sure footing of his beast.

A couple of vampires went up in flames thanks to the lightning. Now that was cool. The next flash of lightning seemed to be even brighter than the first. The luminous sprites were adding their own magic to the mix. The Order’s army seemed momentarily blinded, and for that brief second their guard was down. It made taking out the first couple of vamps a little easier.

Decebel slashed his sword through the air as he reached his first foe. His wolf preferred to fight in his fur, but Decebel liked wielding a blade as much as he did his claws. The vampire hissed like an angry cat and dodged the blade, but Decebel was older and much faster than the young vamp. He whipped around, his weapon following effortlessly and managed to catch the vampire right at the neck, removing the head in one clean sweep. One down. Only a couple hundred more to go.

The next warrior he faced was a fae. The supernatural moved with a grace matched only by the elves. In one hand he held a short sword, and in the other, a ball of light was forming. The fae moved forward and lunged with the sword. Decebel ducked under the strike and pivoted around. He instinctively raised the blade he held in front of him and felt the fae’s magic hit it. The sword seemed to absorb the spell, warming slightly in Decebel’s hand.

The fae’s face hardened as he realized that Decebel’s blade wasn’t just a mundane weapon. “Our brethren disgrace us by letting you mutts wield our weapons,” the fae spat at him.

Decebel’s wolf growled. He hated when an enemy tried to have a conversation while they were fighting. The wolf didn’t want to throw insults. He wanted flesh, bone, and blood clutched in his jaws. Without responding, Decebel leapt forward, but at the last minute, he knelt down, sweeping his blade at the fae’s knees. He felt the resistance as the weapon made contact.

The fae stumbled forward, but he caught himself before he fell to the ground. Decebel didn’t give him time to recover. He jumped and slashed the sword down just as the fae raised the hand that was filling with light once again. The fae bellowed as his hand was severed at the wrist and dropped, hitting the ground unceremoniously.

Decebel wished he was in his wolf form so he could take down his foe by his neck and give it a good shake until it broke. But a blade across the throat and then a stab to the heart would have to suffice. When the warrior was on his back staring up lifelessly at the grey sky, Decebel’s wolf threw his head back and howled in victory. As if the sprites agreed with him, more thunder rolled and flashes of lightning joined their applause.

He didn’t take more than a few seconds to enjoy the kill before another enemy was in his face. This time it was two vamps. Decebel glanced around to see if he could make out any pack mates. He located Fane and Cypher about twenty feet away, but that was all the time he could take because one of the vamps had landed on his back.

The stench of old blood clung to the bloodsucker and made Decebel’s wolf want to sneeze to rid himself of the smell. He felt the bite of sharp fingernails digging into the flesh on his shoulders. Decebel dropped forward into a roll, effectively catching the vamp off guard. His hold loosened, and the wolf managed to get free. When he was back on his feet he reached out with his bare hand and wrapped it around the other vamp’s neck who’d gotten too close and gave his wrist a sharp twist. The vamp’s neck broke, and he collapsed to the ground as Decebel released him. Then Decebel brought his sword down and cut off his head.

The vampire who had jumped on Decebel’s back, hissed. He really hated the hissing. Before Copyright 2016 - 2024