Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,18

only discern the truth of a person but also see their memories.

A moment later, the door opened. Synica, with her piercing green eyes, narrow face, and sharp chin, looked like a hawk ready to sink her talons into her prey. She was taller than Myanin by a few inches, so she looked down on her, literally. The elder’s hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, exposing her long neck. She was regal, holding herself like a queen, but she was also humble, which made Myanin dislike her more.

Synica held out her hand. “It’s good to see you, Myanin.”

She took a step back, away from the offered hand, and heard Oto grunt when she bumped into his chest. “Why?” Myanin asked. “Because you like hosting those considered traitors of your race?”

Synica dropped her hand, and her eyes softened. “Because I am hoping to see remorse and a desire to change.”

Myanin didn’t respond. She wouldn’t admit remorse to something she’d done for a good reason. She’d been trying to protect Thadrick, and she’d been punished for it. It would be a cold day in hell before she shook an elder’s hand and expressed the feelings Synica hoped to see.

Myanin leaned forward and knelt down, all the while keeping her eyes on the elder, and placed the box on the threshold of the door. Then stood and took another step back. Oto must have learned his lesson because he was standing to the side instead of directly behind her. “There,” she said. “I’ve done what Lyra required. May I go now?”

The elder’s eyes narrowed on her, as if she were attempting to perform her magic without touching Myanin. As far as she knew, Synica was not capable of such a feat. At least Myanin hoped she wasn’t.

“You may go. I wish you well,” Synica said.

Myanin turned on her heel and walked away, her strides quick as she headed back to Lyra’s home. She’d been forming a plan in her mind, and it was time to execute it. The sooner the better. If she waited too long, she ran the chance of Synica touching her at some point and finding out her secrets. Myanin could not let that happen.

In the week that Myanin had lived with Lyra, she’d quickly discovered the elder’s evening routine. So far, Lyra hadn’t altered her behavior, which would make things easier.

“Have you got my tea?” Lyra asked as Myanin entered the sitting room where Lyra sat for an hour after dinner. She drank tea and read while Myanin sat on a chair in the corner, waiting on whatever instruction Lyra might have for her.

“Of course,” Myanin said as she placed the tray she’d carried on the table beside Lyra’s chair. As usual, the elder waited for Myanin to add the milk and sugar and then waved her off dismissively. Myanin retreated to her usual spot and tried not to look too eager.

As Lyra sipped her tea, Myanin’s muscles tightened until she felt like a coiled snake, ready to strike. Nearly fifteen minutes passed before Lyra began to show the effects of the drug Myanin had slipped into her drink. The elder’s eyes started to close, but Lyra forced them back open. She shook her head as if trying to clear it. When Lyra went to put the cup down, she misjudged the edge of the end table, and the cup tumbled to the floor, shattering.

“What…” Lyra began as she again forced her eyes open. She raised her head, but Myanin saw the strain in the woman’s face and could tell it took an effort to do so. When Lyra’s eyes met hers, realization stared back at Myanin. “What have you done?”

Myanin’s lips turned up in a slow smile. “I did what needed to be done in order to get free. Even animals attempt to free themselves when trapped. Did you honestly think my survival instincts were not every bit as strong as a mere animal?”

Lyra opened her mouth to speak, but the poison pulsed through her body, and she could no longer make her voice respond. She was effectively trapped inside of her body, unable to move. She slumped over in the chair until she finally crumpled to the floor.

Myanin stood slowly and savored the moment. She walked over to where Lyra lay, staring up at the ceiling. “How does it feel to have your will taken from you? Unfortunately for you, that is not the only thing that will be taken from you.” She had a feeling Copyright 2016 - 2024