Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,125

happened. The Order had been warned, minutes before your arrival, and used their loyal fae to get to the battlefield.”

“You know who warned them,” Fane’s wolf growled.

“I do,” Thadrick said. “And it is a serious accusation to accuse a royal of any race of defection. But the history we retain, and by that I mean what has already been stored before Myanin’s meddling, is not capable of being distorted. It is complete, unaltered truth. Your betrayer is King Ainsel of the pixies.”

Peri’s gaze pierced the crowd, and she saw that everyone else was looking around as well. They were looking for the pixies. They weren’t there. How had she missed their absence? But then, there was one, flying down from one of the arches in the great ceiling. Adira, Peri thought fondly. The pixie who’d been so loyal to help the five new healers. Of course, she would be present even if her king was not.

Peri used her power to manifest a stool for the pixie to land on so she didn’t have to hover or stand on the floor at everyone’s feet. Adira nodded her thanks and landed on the makeshift platform.

“This is Adira,” Peri announced. “As you can see, she is a pixie.”

“It is good to see you again,” Thadrick said to Adira.

The pixie smirked at him. “As good as a thorn in your foot, I’m sure.”

Thad chuckled good-naturedly. The two hadn’t been fast friends. But in their defense, neither of them was exactly BFF material.

“Thank you for coming, Adira,” Peri said. “I know you’ve no love lost for your king. Is there anything you can tell us?”

“His idiot brother aligned himself with the Order.” Adira crossed her arms in front of her and tucked her wings tightly to her back. “From what I’ve heard through the pixie vine, Ainsel negotiated his brother being released from whatever deal he’d made with Ludcarab if the pixie king gave them valuable information on their enemy, meaning you guys,” she said, pointing at their group.

“I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Ludcarab didn’t keep his end of the bargain,” Peri said dryly.

“Your limb will hold fast,” Adira acknowledged. “Ainsel knows that there is no negotiating with evil.”

“As much as that sucks, at least the mystery is solved,” Peri said.

“Glad somebody said it,” Jen said.

“Peri,” Adira said, grabbing her attention back, “there are some pixies loyal to you. You know that. And this betrayal will only bolster their loyalty. They will be at the Blood Moon ceremony and in any battles that follow.”

“Thank you,” Peri said. “You are the leader that your king is not, and the leader your people need.”

“Speaking of the Blood Moon,” Fane said, his voice slightly less growly. “It happens tomorrow night. I am appreciative for every person here. We know what we must do. Already, the fae have taken action to obey the Great Luna. Tonight, I wish to spend time with my family, my pack, and to say my goodbyes to my parents in private.

“Each of you needs to prepare your people, all of them willing to stand with the Great Luna, to come into the human realm and bear witness to her decrees. The fae”—he turned to Disir —“know where to bring everyone, correct?”

Disir nodded. “We have long memories, Alpha.”

“Then we will see you all tomorrow night, under the Blood Moon on the battlefield where my alphas and many other wolves shed their blood during the werewolf wars.”

When he finished speaking, Peri added, “Our members will get you all to your veils. Please follow their instructions.”

The room broke into a soft rumble as the gathering ended, and the fae warriors took care of getting the other races situated to flash.

Peri and Lucian, as well as Fane and Jacquelyn, said their goodbyes and gave their respect to the fae council and djinn elders. Then their usual group gathered together on the platform, forming a tight circle. Bethany and Drake were the only ones not present because Drake still needed rest, especially if he was going to attend the ceremony. Andora was the only new addition.

“What part are you going to play in this?” Peri asked the sprite queen.

“We will aid as we did in the battle in Arizona and the Keep. But we cannot give any more prophecy. The price is too high.”

Andora looked at Fane, her eyes full of sorrow and some regret, too. “Had I not warned your father of the coming battle at the Keep, the death toll would Copyright 2016 - 2024