Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,123

black dress, with a black robe draped over her shoulders. The hood was pulled up so that only her face was visible. Peri was surprised to see that Lilly’s eyes were no longer that of a human’s or sprite’s. They were the yellow that had been her king’s, with the cat-like slits in the center. She strode in with confidence, her chin raised slightly, but Peri didn’t miss the trembling in her hands as she gripped the robe on either side of her.

When the new group reached the platform, Peri stepped back and motioned for them to come up. The two councils, Thad, Jezebel, and Jareth joined her and Lucian in the center and formed a semicircle that faced the great hall.

Fane and Jacque joined the group, moving in beside Lucian. Peri noticed that Slate was no longer in Jacque’s arms. Peri leaned back to see where the new prince was and saw that Gavril and Rachel had at some point come up on the side of the platform, and Gavril was now holding Slate. Good choice of protector.

When Lilly reached them, she motioned for her guards to stay on the main floor. As she ascended the stairs, she gazed at Jacque. She walked straight to her daughter and enveloped her in a tight embrace. Peri was close enough to hear the interaction as mother and daughter were reunited.

“I’m so sorry, Mom,” Jacque said, her voice wavering with emotion.

“I am, too. But I am so thankful you and Slate are safe,” Lilly said. She pulled back and looked at Fane. “Fane…” Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke. “There are no words I can offer. As your mother-in-law, you have my love. As the warlock queen, you have the warlocks as allies, always.”

Fane bowed his head, lowering it below Lilly’s, which was an incredible gesture of respect for an alpha wolf. He was honoring the mother of his mate and the queen who’d lost her mate. “As you have mine,” Fane said as he rose back up.

Lilly pressed a kiss to Jacque’s forehead and then took a spot beside her. “I want to see my grandson later, if that’s okay with the new alphas?”

Jacque smiled. “Absolutely.”

The group seemed to recognize that the reunion was complete, and everyone once again looked around the semicircle.

Disir, high fae and father to Talia, one of the fallen fae, spoke first. “Fane and Jacquelyn, the fae council offers our sincerest condolences. And to you, as well, Queen Lilly.

“We have come because, unfortunately, it took the death of two council members' offspring, one being my own, to make us realize that we can no longer simply offer limited support when needed. It is time the full might of the fae cross over the veil.” He paused and looked at Peri. “The Great Luna has visited us and told us what she said to you, Peri. We have already sent warriors out across the realms to gather the faithful to the appointed place.”

“Thank you,” Peri said. Relief washed over her. That was at least one thing off her plate.

Disir nodded. “We have let you fight alone for far too long, Perizada, and for that, we apologize.”

Peri held up her hand. “There is no apology needed. We have been called to our own tasks. I’ve been doing what the Great Luna asked of me. Not always with the grace that she probably wanted,” she admitted. “But, we do the best we can, and when it’s not enough, we do better.”

“Agreed,” Disir said.

“I am sorry for your loss, Disir and Dain,” Peri said, looking at both of them. “Talia and Vale fought bravely, and though I wish it hadn’t happened, they died doing something worth dying for. It doesn’t ease the pain in any way. I know. But I hope that it offers some tiny measure of peace.”

Both high fae bowed their heads slightly but neither spoke, and Peri could tell it was because their emotions were too raw. Like nerves exposed, even the slightest movement caused incredible pain.

Thadrick was the next to speak. He stepped forward and motioned to the djinn elders. “Myself, Jareth, and the djinn counsel”—he motioned to the four—“Synica, Clarion, Myron, and Rouse,”—each bowed their heads as he named them—“too, offer our sincerest condolences to those who have lost loved ones. We have had our own tragedy and feel the same pain of your loss as well. Our betrayal has come from within. Unfortunately, the traitor has escaped into the human realm. I Copyright 2016 - 2024