Alpha Rising (The Grey Wolves #12) - Quinn Loftis Page 0,107

But compared to the Great Luna, everyone was a child.

“I do know. That does not mean I have to like it,” Peri said, only after she was sure she wasn’t going to say something else. Something much less appropriate.

“But you must accept it,” the goddess told her. “You cannot lead if you are consumed with grief and bitterness.”

“Their bodies are only hours dead,” Peri bit out. “How am I not supposed to grieve?”

“There will be time for mourning, Perizada. But now is the time for tearing down.”

“The Order,” Peri said softly.

“Yes,” the Great Luna replied. “They do not have the control they think they do. There is a way to rescue those who belong to you from their clutches.”

Peri’s head snapped up. “You’re interfering?”

The goddess merely stared at her as she spoke. “I am giving you the power you need to fight this evil. This has to happen. Fane cannot take his rightful place without his mate at his side, and his child, as well, who will one day hold the mantle.”

Peri held up a hand. “I don't want to know that Fane and his mate will one day die.”

“I didn’t say they would die,” the goddess pointed out. “I said that Slate Lupei would one day be alpha. Fane must be anointed by my blessing. He has many battles coming, and he needs the strength of his Creator. Even now, the other packs have felt the ripple of Vasile and Alina’s death. They think there is a weakness, a crack in the walls of the Romania pack.”

“What packs? They wouldn’t dare try and take over Vasile’s legacy.” Peri’s blood began to boil.

“Do you think that the Coldspring pack is the only one that has remained hidden all this time? No matter how deeply I love my children, they are prone to stray, Perizada, and go their own way. They desire power that is not theirs to have. They think that their way is better than the design I have set for them. And now, they see the perfect moment to strike.

“On the eve of the first Blood Moon, I will be at the birthplace of Fane Lupei. On the battlefield where his sire won his greatest victory. It will be there that I will pass Vasile and Alina’s rule to Fane and Jacquelyn. It is also where the Romanian pack and those who loved the alpha pair can say their goodbyes.

“As my ambassador, you are to ensure all those in the assembly that are gathering in the sprite realm, as well as their people, are present at the Blood Moon ceremony.”

Peri forced herself not to let her mouth drop open. It seemed like such an undignified thing to do in the presence of a goddess. “All of the beings in each of their races?”

The Great Luna looked at her. The glory surrounding the goddess was painful to behold, so Peri dropped her eyes.

“All of those who have not chosen the darkness are to be there. They need to know the truth. They are either for me, or they are against me. It’s time they understand what they are fighting for.”

Peri could feel her heartbeat in her throat as she stared down over the desert valley. All of the supernatural races joined in one place. Her head snapped up as she thought of something. “The packs, I mean the ones we know about: Italy, Spain, Ireland, Canada, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary—”

“Perizada.” Humor laced the Great Luna’s voice. “I know all of my packs.”

“Of course she does.” Peri mentally kicked herself. “You want the fae to make sure they are all there. Everyone of your legitimate packs?”

“Yes,” the goddess answered simply.

Peri’s head bowed lower. “It will be done as you have said.”

“Before any of that can happen,” the Great Luna said as she walked over to Peri and gently raised her chin, “we must rescue the little ones and their parents from our enemy. Sally is the key to this. She has something blessed by me.”

Peri’s eyes widened. “The necklace.” She’d seen it on the healer, and it had not gone unnoticed to Peri that it held power.

“Exactly.” The goddess smiled. “Sally, my healer with the stitched-together heart, has a necklace. It is powerful and has the ability to break the wards that keep you out. She needs to use it so that you and your warriors can go in and retrieve them. All she need do is ask, and it will be given to her. Seek and she will find. Knock Copyright 2016 - 2024