Alpha Queen (Claimed by Wolves #4) - Callie Rose Page 0,71

I don’t intend to be in human form for long today.

We eat a quick breakfast of cereal and toast, and between the five of us, we down two pots of coffee. It’s a quiet, subdued meal, all of us lost in thought. Worry lines mar Ridge’s forehead, and Archer’s doing a lot of staring out the window. I think it’s pretty clear his mind is on his dad.

Or at least, maybe it’s clear to me since my mind is on my own losses. On the pack I once led.

I’ll fight for them in this battle as much as I fight for the East, West, and North Packs.

When we reach the large open area outside the meeting house, the place is packed with not only those who will be heading out to fight with us, but with those who are being left behind. I catch sight of the witch standing with three of our extended pack’s matriarchs, the four women speaking in low voices.

I feel a twinge inside my chest. Part of it is my ingrained disgust to see a witch among us, but the other part, the newer part, is excited for a future where maybe our kids won’t grow up with the same fears and prejudices that we did.

A future where maybe witches and wolves can live in harmony. Even as friends. It might take some getting used to—scratch that, it will take some getting used to—but if we can make that future happen, we’ll all win.

Once everyone’s assembled, we climb up on the rickety portable stage that’s been erected since the packs came together. Sable falls back to stand with Amora and a few of the elders, while I join Archer, Trystan, and Ridge at the front of the dais.

Archer raises his hands for silence, and the effect is immediate. I like that about the guy—he built such a comfortable, kind leadership with his pack that they respond to nothing more than hand gestures or facial expressions. And the other two packs have followed suit in learning to respond as well.

It’s almost like we were all meant to work together. Like this is how things should’ve been from the start.

Archer’s face looks grim as he stares out over the sea of shifters. I get the feeling—again—that he’s wishing Malcolm were here to help, or hell, even just to be his shoulder to lean on. But then Archer glances at the rest of us.

Ridge nods once, and Trystan does too. I shoot him what I hope is an encouraging look, because I know he’s got this.

A light of determination illuminates Archer’s gaze, and he looks back out over the crowd as he speaks. “Pack mates, the day has come for us to take back our lives from the threat that has haunted us for too long. We will finally face the witches, and we will emerge the victors.”

An answering roar of agreement bursts out among the crowd.

“The sacrifices we’ve all made will not have been made in vain,” Archer goes on, his voice steady. “These past few weeks have tested our strength and our mettle. In the end, I believe in us. I believe in the pack we’ve created and the bonds we share. Together, we’re going to take back our lives and move into a future of our own design!”

The resulting cheers are much bigger this time, and I notice shifters from all three packs mingling together. We’re closer to truly being one big pack than we’ve ever been. It’s starting to feel real. I expected more of a transition to get here, more reluctance from people—even though they agreed to it—but I guess having a common enemy threatening the people you love can be a great equalizer.

Ridge clears his throat and clasps his hands behind his back, just that simple gesture commanding attention. The man was born to be a leader, maybe more than any of us. He paces the edge of the stage with his shoulders back and his chin high, until not an eye in the audience can look anywhere else.

“The road that led us here was not easy,” he says, his gruff voice booming over the silent crowd. “For years, we watched the witches get closer. Get bolder. For years, they prowled our lands and picked off our loved ones like they were hunting for sport. But no more!” He stops for a moment, his expression darkening. “No. More,” he repeats. “We’ve been on the defense for long enough. Now we’re taking the fight Copyright 2016 - 2024