Alpha Hero - Hope Ford Page 0,46

break it down, Zach is pulling it out of my hands. “I got it.”

I hand it to him and he just smiles at me while he works.

I pull on the hem of my shirt and look at him. “So it’s not too late. You sure about this?”

He looks at me in confusion. “Sure about what?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Me. Us. Moving in together… if it’s too quick…”

He drops the box and walks over to the bedroom door and hollers down the hallway, “We’ll be out in a minute.” I hear a lot of hooting and hollering in the next room but it muffles when he shuts the door.

He stalks over to me and doesn’t stop until he’s standing right in front of me. His hand goes around the back of my neck and he tilts my head backwards until I’m looking up at him. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

He kisses me then, his tongue pushing through my mouth. His hand slides down between us, into the front of my jeans. I smile, pulling away from him. “All your buddies are in the next room, Zach. They’ll know what we’re doing in here.”

“What? Loving my future wife? That’s what I’m doing.” He grunts as he grips on to the front of my jeans and pulls me to him.

I hit his chest and gasp. “Wife?”

“Aw fuck… I’m doing this all wrong,” he says, shoving his hand through his hair.

“What?” I ask him, still stunned. We’ve never talked about marriage. I’ve thought about it a lot, but I’ve never had the nerve to ask him about it.

He lets go of me and walks over toward the bed before he backtracks and grabs my hand, pulling me with him.

He grabs on to my hips, pushing me until I’m sitting on the edge of the bed.

He’s staring at me and I can’t help but start to get nervous.

He brushes the hair off my face and kisses my forehead. “I know I’m not that romantic, but I’m trying. Shannon, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up every morning with you in my arms and go to sleep at night with you on my chest. I’ve never been as happy as I am when I’m with you.”

He turns away from me, grabbing something out of the nightstand. When he turns back to me, he drops to both of his knees, opens the box in his hands, and holds it out to me. “Will you marry me? Will you make me the happiest man on earth?”

I tackle him then, pushing him backwards and landing on top of him. “Yes, yes, yes!”

We roll on the floor, until he pulls me over him and puts the ring on my finger. I look at it and then at him, wondering how I got so lucky to find such a good man.

I slide my hand up his chest, pulling his shirt off and kissing along the way. He stops me with his hand on mine. “All our friends are out there.”

I shrug my shoulders, kissing him all over. “I don’t care. Let them hear.”

He pulls away from me, dragging me up off the ground. “No way, honey. No one is going to hear those hungry noises you make in the back of your throat when I’m kissing you here.” He reaches down, molding his hand to my jean-covered pussy.

I moan, and my hips jerk.

He kisses me again, his lips melding to mine, and I raise my leg, wrapping it around his waist, trying to get close to him.

He’s gasping for breath and pulls away from me. “Give me two minutes. I’ll get rid of them.”

He walks to the door, but I start to come to my senses. “Wait, you’re throwing out free help, Zach.”

He just smiles at me. “You’re worth it, honey.”

All For You



I take another look at him lying in the hospital bed. He’s lucky to be alive. That’s what everyone keeps saying and my heart breaks a little more each time I hear it. I guess the car he was in caught fire. He’s indestructible. At least I thought he was. And I would have been happy to keep believing it, but instead, a drunk driver – in the middle of the day – runs a light and hits him. The other man walked away without a scratch. But Brian wasn’t so lucky. He just came out of recovery and the surgeon just told me that Copyright 2016 - 2024