Almost Never A Novel - By Daniel Sada Page 0,35

miles from Laredo, you can get there in the blink of an eye. Demetrio in checkmate or around the bend. Nonetheless, the two of them would go there: the only place possible?! But before that he, right now, to the bank. Not to work. Now to disengage. Now to take the step, now to quit his job, as she had done … The agronomist went out first thing in the morning to buy a suitcase he already knew must be neither too big nor too small but soft, yes, to carry—always risky—the banknotes. Mireya had wanted to go with him, but: You stay here. It’s better that way. I won’t be long. A logical fear arose: she expressed it, keeping to herself the core doubt that had been growing for the last two days: what if Demetrio took off with the money and left her in that genteel environment, like an idiot?

Of some small comfort was: I am also very frightened, maybe two or three times more than you. We don’t have much time left to get out, and he promised and swore to the ensemble flight, placing love above all else. The seal of an excessively tongue-y kiss must have meant a lot to Mireya, who, just in case, turned the picture of The Last Supper back around. Then: intrigue and lassitude for a man who could not set anything straight in his head, decisions ricocheting, running roughshod over ideas about doing what was right: Mireya had won out over Renata because she gave herself without apprehension or restraint. The agronomist did confront an obstacle at the bank: he couldn’t withdraw his money: it was a fixed-term deposit without any kind of flexibility or exception. Banking’s inherent rigidity. Then his emotional theatricality came to the rescue: that his case was extremely urgent, an instance of force majeure, et cetera, and his almost tearful pleadings, almost kneeling, his palms pressed together as if in prayer: evil demons, those bank employees—utterly? and his tortured insistence paid off after forty-odd minutes, when one of them said that they could give him his money if and only if they subtracted the accumulated interest: That’s fine, give me only what I have deposited, but give it to me now, and in cash, please! Next step: the agronomist opened his bag, which looked a bit like a briefcase because it was stiff around the edges, though with an air of something special: a modern object, brown and expensive.

Counting the money in private. Making bundles of a thousand pesos each, small change, in the end, but, to focus on the scene de occultis, the stacking of one bill atop another was seen by Demetrio as a mortification, the likes of which he had never felt before, as if he were closing one long chapter and opening up another even longer and more indefinite. So it would be from the very first moment he went out into the streets carrying that strange suitcase … The risk of being assaulted … God forbid! No, why entertain such terrible thoughts? And thereafter the possibility of being robbed would bubble up throughout the trip north: on the airplane, in the bus, on the train. But, to change the subject, he would not go to Parras even to save his life: a destination he lopped off from the start, like many others … Saltillo: cut; Sacramento: cut; Monclova: cut, and, while he’s on a roll, how many more? Suddenly he espied as if out of the corner of his eye a place like Guadalajara: a luminous destination? During his hasty return to the rooming house, now with the bulging suitcase in hand—which actually excited a fleeting curiosity among certain Oaxacan passersby—he began to glimpse the dreary prospect of the voyage west. A Mexican west he did not know, vast and colorful on maps, a mystery host to an endless array of exclamation points, and even a sudden exclamation at odds with itself, a kind of dismay, because under a westerly wind the trees swayed, twisting and flattened against the facades: it was a gust, rising and falling, hair-mussing, a flight that carried neither garbage nor the infelicitous gliding of birds, and he associated the thought of flight with the airplane ride to Nochistlán, the daily one in the early morn, hence he and Mireya could not leave for the airfield that day but rather … When the agronomist reached the room where his lover was enjoying a siesta belly down: alack! Copyright 2016 - 2024