Almost Never A Novel - By Daniel Sada Page 0,105

wait and see. So he left the suitcase on the bench and, cautiously and slightly bent over, took a few steps forward. The darkness outside was almost formidable whereas on the other side of the window … better to put it like this: Demetrio could see the señora writing down on a piece of pink paper what the señorita seemed to be dictating to her. Amendments: lowly propositions: postponements, that’s for sure, because the definitive version was yet to be and—of course! as it seemed certain that mother and daughter would remain long at their task, the suitor would be visually entertained, though, well, we’d like to say that he had the good sense to position himself to one side of the window, spreading himself thin against the wall so he’d (almost) not be seen, for as it happened the women suddenly looked over at the bench. Oh: the discretion of their detections: their nervous inertia, let’s say they saw very little. Their attention was focused on what Demetrio already interpreted as a missive meant for him, and which would surely be given to him the following day. An optimistic interpretation—naturally!, and … no, he wasn’t sleepy; so he heard words, even two full sentences about love, forgiveness, or a more relaxed new beginning—hopefully! If he heard what he so strongly desired he would be able to sleep more peacefully, but unfortunately they kept the volume low. What a pity! And right there where Demetrio was standing, uh-oh, the policeman came up to him. A disturbance: which provoked a “shh!” An immediate shifting to one side, over there, please, over there; the ideal place would be under a tree in the plaza, that’s what the now peculiar delinquent proposed so they could speak freely. No need to record here his allegation. Nor did it take long at all, because Demetrio took a bill out of his billfold, one of high denomination, which when seen by the policeman under what managed to reach them of the street lighting—why yes!, oh boy! the fix, permission to spend the night on the bench, as long as—hold on!—it was only for one night, with the understanding that if he stayed a second one the payoff would be double, and then no jail and, for God’s sake—why complicate matters? Inevitable rural corruption, born of necessity. Corrupt policeman. Corrupt Sacramento—right? Now’s a good time, therefore, to sum things up: mother and daughter were redacting until past midnight whereas Demetrio was overcome with sleepiness at about ten p.m. Never in his life had he slept on a bench in a plaza, but if we consider that his sacrifice should be exemplary, like a calvary, because of his supreme love … Fortitude. Dignity. The proof of a passion like no other … The suitor awoke with the first rays of sun. He was hungry, but … the lucky wait … The pink paper would arrive, and he was not mistaken. After two more hours on that unyielding bench, a messenger boy came to give him the delicate item, folded and sealed in a pink envelope. The flavor in hand. A colorful reading. Marvelous handwriting, and the content: herewith:

Dear Demetrio:

I am sending you this note because you must come to my house accompanied by one of your relatives before I can see you. My mother wants to meet you and find out a lot more about you. Remember, you insulted me when you licked my hand, kissing it first. As you must have realized, I was very offended. So, if you want to continue our courtship we must formalize it. That means, in case you need an explanation, that it must have a clear goal, but for that to happen you must ask me and my mother for our forgiveness. The family member who comes with you must also show remorse. Our relationship has to change, it must be leading to something that is good for both you and me, as well as my family and yours. If you don’t do what I ask, it would be better for us not to see each other. What I mean is that there’s no point in continuing our romance on the bench, instead of here inside the house where my mother can witness everything we do. This has to happen soon. Think about this carefully, your decision is very important for me.


The reinforcement of decency. The girl’s mother could finally observe from close up the lack of groping. Or, rather, a Copyright 2016 - 2024