Almost Never A Novel - By Daniel Sada Page 0,102

look (with a magnifying glass) at the date it was sent … Ah … We said “with a magnifying glass” because Doña Telma used one but understood little. The handwriting was so bad it looked more like irresponsible scribbles, way-too-small and illegible letters that seemed to have been written in haste and with a whole host of inhibitions. The señora, however, was able to follow a certain amount of logic through the capricious combination of several key words, such as “marriage,” “love,” “loyalty,” “forgiveness,” “children,” “kisses,” “lick,” “mistake,” “come,” “Sacramento,” “I love,” “Renata,” “Demetrio,” “happiness,” and therein potential good fortune.

A plot that abides by defensible sentimental conceits in which the more cramped and illegible the damned scribbles the better intentioned they might be.

Or perhaps it was a stern rebuke, and Renata’s forgiveness came with many demands.

Or a definitive break.

In the meantime, the nervous resealing: Egipto in charge of this challenge. Precise, so as not to spoil the stamp. And so it came to pass, and the next step came that night when Doña Telma told Demetrio: This arrived for you this morning. The latter opened his eyes wide. His surprise swelled. Just to see the name of the (promising) remitter: aha: this should be read in private. Therefore, he shut himself in his room and tore the edge of the envelope and read excitedly as he turned each page, and just like Doña Telma, he understood very little. Oh, such grief! At moments, no doubt, the big guy wanted to turn to his mother to help him read that Babel of letters penned with rapid strokes, for he knew that to attempt it alone, it would take weeks to decipher what … let’s see … perhaps with a magnifying glass … Okay!, the only favor he asked of his mother was that she lend him the tool in question, and obviously she had no choice but to look surprised: good actress: her hypocrisy worked. The thing is, the magnifying glass simply magnified the jungle of lines, but … Now it’s time to transpose this whole nuisance to a conversation between son and mother in which the former confessed what we already know and she, once again a good actress, proposed trying to read it herself to see if … Or that they should read it together … An uncomfortable solution, or what other choice did they have … Demetrio agreed to the suggestion, of the joint deciphering, and it now behooves us to sum things up, also to mention the fact that not even together could they … they struggled, interpreted, even favorably: and: the letter—blast it—: impenetrable: why?

“You should go to Sacramento.”

“What about the business … ?”

“You don’t trust your employees?”

“It’s too soon to trust them.”

“If you want, I’ll get Egipto to take your place. As you know, he has worked for me for many years; I trust him completely. He’s never stolen even one penny from me.”

“Well, okay, I hadn’t thought of that, but …”

“Go! Now! Go claim that woman.”

A heat-of-the-moment push. Spritely automatism. Blossoming illusion, leading to a hubbub of fits and starts: Egipto, Egipto!, a serious man with a brash mustache. Serious—let’s hope!—and (according to Demetrio) an honest skinflint … with a future? Faith, trust, and then a trickle of only good things; thereby AGREED, and that was the end of it … Doña Luisa’s excellent suggestion, as she smilingly caressed her enormous offspring’s arm, right along his bicep. And now let’s excerpt the most outstanding part of the conversation: knowing full well that the poor handwriting had prevented them from getting to the bottom of the sweetheart’s story, his mother ventured to make a crucial suggestion: if Demetrio resolved to go to Sacramento he could kill two birds with one stone: once and for all he could propose marriage to the green-eyed gal and on his way through Monclova he could buy the engagement ring. As abrupt as an avalanche. True, there was the ring size: hmm: he had a model close at hand: Doña Telma’s ring finger: such parity, perhaps a bit bigger or a bit smaller, for—naturally!, rarely did a woman have fingers as fat as a man’s; so no point in taking measurements, all he had to do was take his mother’s wedding ring in a box and purchase one of a similar size. The señora heard as much and immediately took off the ring, then searched among her baubles for a box. She found one right away. Ready! and: When are Copyright 2016 - 2024