All's Fair in Love and Chocolate (Marietta Chocolate Wars #1) - Amy Andrews Page 0,52

placed his fingers under her chin and lifted it. “You knew what you wanted and went after it. Just like in Bozeman.” He smiled. “Good for you. I just wish I’d known teenage girls were into man whores—I’d have been much sluttier.”

Viv laughed and his fingers slid from her chin. “I don’t think I was normal.”

He smiled and said, “No, but I bet you were something else, Vivian Dawson,” and Viv’s breath hitched at the admiration in his voice.

After a beat he lifted his mug to his mouth and blew on the hot milk. “So? How was it?”

“Well…” Viv pulled her wooden spoon out of her drink. Half of the chocolate had melted and she sucked on it absently as she thought back to that time. “It didn’t set my world on fire but it wasn’t awful either.” She swished the spoon through the hot milk again. “Looking back at it now I actually don’t think he was that experienced, but you know what it’s like in high school: anyone who’s done the business is elevated to a position of sexual prophet.”

He laughed. “True.”

She pulled out the spoon again and sucked on it some more before swirling it again. It was supposed to melt in the milk but Viv loved how it tasted all warm and gooey on her tongue. “He was actually sweet and gentle, which I hadn’t expected nor realized I wanted. I thought I wanted it fast and over with but it wasn’t like that. I didn’t exactly see stars but it could have been a lot worse. Better than a lot of deflowering stories I’ve heard.”

The amount of chocolate had halved when she pulled it out this time and popped it back in her mouth. He made a kind of low growly noise as his gaze dropped to her lips. “Must you talk about deflowering then suck on that thing like you’re trying to fellate it?”

Viv deliberately hollowed her cheeks as she pulled it slowly out with a wet kind of phfffttt. “I have no idea what you mean.” She dipped it back in the milk then lifted it to her lips again before sucking it in, her gaze locking with his as she repeated the withdrawal process, totally spoiling the effect by grinning.

Dipping it one more time she lifted it out, this time smearing it on his neck right over the fat bound of his pulse. “What are you doing?” he muttered as Viv wiped the flat of her tongue over the whiskery skin, taking her time with it, smiling as she felt the vibration of his voice and the thick bob of his Adam’s apple against her mouth.

“I’m licking chocolate off you,” Viv said as she smeared some more along his collarbone and licked that too. He sucked in a breath and the hand on her hip tightened. “Mmm,” she murmured. “You taste good.”

He chuckled. “This is going to get sticky, isn’t it?”

Viv lifted her head, her eyes meeting his as she dipped the spoon again then daubed the dripping chocolate on a flat brown nipple. He sucked in a breath. “So sticky,” she whispered then set to work removing every sweet trace.

He groaned, and Viv vaguely heard the thunk of his mug as he placed it on the bench while his other hand slid up her side to her neck then into her hair. When she lifted her head this time he kissed her hard and deep and wet and Viv’s pulse skipped crazily against all her pulse points as his tongue sought out and found every last sweet recess of her mouth.

Dragging herself away from the kiss was hard but she managed, planting a hand in the center of his chest. “Lie back.”

His nostrils flared at her husky demand but he didn’t argue, his hand falling from her hair as he eased himself back onto his elbows, dwarfing the small island bench, which just barely contained all his delicious real estate. Viv looked her fill, conscious of his inner thighs bracketing her hips, his bare feet brushing the outsides of her thighs.

Her mouth watered as she hoped like hell there was enough chocolate left on her stirrer to do that body justice. There was just so damn much of him, his boxers the only thing keeping him decent. In theory anyway. In actuality they were thoroughly indecent, bulged out as they were by the contours of his very impressive erection.

Placing her mug down on the bench next to his, she pulled the Copyright 2016 - 2024