All's Fair in Love and Chocolate (Marietta Chocolate Wars #1) - Amy Andrews Page 0,45

it was the case.

Maybe Viv was especially sensitive to the slightest nuance because she really wanted Reuben’s mom to like her. Sure, this was just a short-term thing and she and Reuben were both adults who didn’t need any family approval but…Reuben clearly loved his family and Viv had no desire to get in the middle of that or cause any more friction in Marietta than she already had.

After lunch, everyone rose from the table and mingled in groups and the cozy house filled with the low natter of adult voices and the more strident calls of children who ran in and out and around legs or bickered good-naturedly over which movie to watch.

“Oh God…I just love your boots.”

Viv turned at the voice that had interrupted her and Reuben’s conversation with one of his great-uncles who lived on a ranch somewhere nearby and was extolling the virtues of different feed crops.

Kill her now.

So a shoe conversation was just what Viv needed and she almost kissed Jess as her and Stephen approached. Stephen was Reuben’s first cousin who been hilariously funny throughout the meal—although his mother, who was Gaylene’s sister, hadn’t thought so—and Jess was his wife. They were about the same age as Reuben.

The old rancher gave a half laugh and shook his head pityingly at Reuben. “Shoes.” He gave a dramatic shudder. “Run away while you have the chance, son.”

Considering Reuben was taking advantage of them having their backs to a wall by planting his hand firmly on her ass, Viv didn’t think he’d be too inclined to go anywhere. “I don’t mind shoes,” Reuben said with a wry smile and squeezed her ass.

Oh yeah he liked shoes. He liked checking out her butt when she stepped into them and he especially liked it when she left them on, and rode him like a cowgirl.

“I bet you don’t,” the older man said with a hoot and departed.

“Are they…Louboutins?” Jess asked, gazing down at Viv’s black suede shoes with the exquisite stitch detailing and distinctive cherry-red soles.

“Yes, they are.”

They fit Viv’s feet like gloves and felt as if they were made from angel wings despite the three-inch heels. Viv was paid well and with the company taking care of most of her living expenses, she had a lot of disposable income. Which she spent on shoes.

The other woman sighed and poked her husband in his slight pot belly. “Why don’t you ever buy me shoes like that?”

“You never ask me,” he complained. “You want ’em, babe, you got ’em.” He glanced at Viv and asked, “How much do a pair of those go for?”

“Eight hundred dollars,” she said as Stephen took a swig of his beer.

He choked mid swallow and spluttered and Jess slapped him on the back a couple of times. “Maybe next year,” he told her when he’d recovered.

“It’s okay, babe…I didn’t marry you for your riches.”

“Yeah…” He waggled his brows at his wife. “I know you just married me because I’m good in bed.” And he gave her a smacker of a kiss.

Reuben rolled his eyes. “God…you two are grossing out not only me and your children but everyone else’s as well.”

“Dude,” Stephen said completely unabashed, “that’s one of the true joys of fatherhood.”

Viv laughed at the pained faces on several children then back at the couple in front of them, their arms around each other’s waist in an easy kind of affection that spoke of happiness and longevity and history. And damn if her chest didn’t ache a little watching their love for each other on obvious display.

“Anyway…enough of shoes,” Stephen dismissed as he turned his attention to Viv. “What I want to know is has this guy—” He poked Reuben in the chest with the hand that was holding his beer. “Told you that he lost—”

“Stephen.” Reuben’s voice was low with warning but also tinged with an exasperated kind of affection that told Viv he and Stephen enjoyed some smack talk. “Don’t you dare.”

Stephen was unperturbed as he continued with a grin. “His virginity in my parents’ barn?”

Viv tried not to laugh as Reuben sighed and shook his head and Jess did laugh. Stephen’s mother, however, was not impressed. “Stephen,” she scolded. “There are children around!”

But Stephen just laughed some more and Reuben shook his head. “I can’t believe you just told her that.”

To be honest, Viv couldn’t either but it was still funny as hell. She had the feeling Reuben’s cousin had pulled this one on him before and, in fact, enjoyed doing it Copyright 2016 - 2024