All's Fair in Love and Chocolate (Marietta Chocolate Wars #1) - Amy Andrews Page 0,39

both could have slept—or stayed in bed anyway giving thanks—until they had to be at his parents’ for lunch.

But before he could move too far away, her hand shot out and grabbed this thigh.

“Where are you going?”

“It’s okay,” he murmured, kissing that spot again, “you sleep. I’ve got a few things I want to take care of.”

Her hand gripped his thigh tighter. “But…” She squirmed her ass cheeks suggestively along the length of his cock. And just like that every light on the switchboard of Reuben’s libido surged to life again. “I’m awake now. And looking for something to be thankful for. You should totally take advantage of that.”

More than happy to take advantage, he nuzzled her neck and muttered, “Yes, ma’am,” as he groped behind him for a condom.


“Are you going to tell me where we’re going or not?”

Reuben shook his head, grinning at Vivian’s blindfolded profile. It was one of those blackout masks that they handed out on long-haul flights but with that and her red beanie pulled down to cover everything but her face and her thick red scarf pulled up to cover the lower half of her jaw, she not only sounded muffled but she looked like she was going on some kind of heist.

“I told you, it’s a surprise,” he said as he pointed his pickup north, leaving the outskirts of Marietta behind as the early morning sky lit with the soft peach and rose gold of the first rays of sunshine. It seemed the National Weather Service’s promise of a sunny day for Thanksgiving was being delivered on in spades.

“I don’t like surprises.”

Reuben chuckled. He’d have never guessed. From observing her this past month, he knew Vivian was a businesswoman through and through and that was the way she approached life. Everything was planned. Pros and cons were weighed and there was always a contingency ready to go. He only had to look at how she’d turned Delish around by adapting to the local Marietta conditions.

“Trust me, you’ll like this one. It’s not far, I promise.”

She humphed a little but didn’t complain any more, just settled into the seat and, crossing her arms, turned to look out the window, which was kinda funny given that she couldn’t see anything. Reuben smiled. He couldn’t wait to see her face when she took off her blindfold.

She’d been far too busy this past month to do any sightseeing and that was a tragedy, as far as he was concerned. Miracle Lake was an absolute jewel and it was only fifteen minutes out of town and Reuben was excited that he was the one who got to introduce her to this hidden little gem.

Who knew, maybe she wouldn’t see what he saw? She was, after all, a city slicker and even Clem, who’d grown up here, hadn’t been a fan. Especially at this hour of the day. Clem would have refused point-blank to go anywhere with him while it was still dark and below freezing outside.

But Vivian hadn’t minded. That could have been because he’d suggested it after he’d made her come for the second time within ten minutes this morning but, in his experience, that usually made a woman—and a dude for that matter—less inclined to leave bed not more. And Vivian had definitely been up for an early morning expedition.

If she wasn’t a fan? Well…that would be disappointing. He’d never shared this with a woman before—not this kind of early morning jaunt anyway—and that felt important.

Like it meant something.

Flicking a glance at her profile again as he turned onto the forestry road that led to the lake, he asked, “What are you thinking about?”

She turned her head to face him. “Meeting your parents.”

Reuben laughed. “I hope you’re not worried about it? They’re looking forward to it.”

Chewing on her bottom lip for a beat or two, she said, “Meeting parents isn’t exactly what I do. I’m worried about their…expectations.”

“With us?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Don’t worry,” he teased. “Mom’s not picking out china patterns or anything.”

Hell, she hadn’t even asked to meet Vivian yet or taken it upon herself to call in at Delish and introduce herself. Which, come to think of it, was not normal behavior for his mother.

Maybe, after getting her hopes raised with Clem, she’d learned to back off?

“So what have you told her?” Obviously warmed up enough now, Vivian loosened her scarf a little, pulling it down from her face. “About me? About us?”

“That I like you. That we’re…friends.” He hadn’t actually said that but it Copyright 2016 - 2024