All's Fair in Love and Chocolate (Marietta Chocolate Wars #1) - Amy Andrews Page 0,28

of those couples. You know, the kind who can’t bear to be apart and who can’t stop touching each other when they are together.”

Viv was super aware of his fingers tracing patterns on her arm. He hadn’t stopped touching her since he’d picked up her foot and started massaging.

“Although—” His fingers swirled in a circular pattern from her arm to her breast, looping around her nipple before stroking toward her throat. “I am finding it hard to stop touching you so I do have some sympathy for them now.”

Viv smiled as she snuggled into Reuben a little more, also sympathizing. She liked that he found it hard to stop touching her and the feeling was entirely mutual. Being with Reuben made it very difficult to keep her hands to herself.

“You should definitely not stop touching me,” she said, as his finger changed direction, trekking to her other nipple, edging closer and closer with more light, teasing circles. “At least when we’re behind closed doors anyway.”

He chuckled all low and warm, his breath tickling her ear, his fingers sliding down her chest to her stomach and lower to her belly button then lower still. Viv’s body ignited like a marshmallow on a stick that had reached flash point—from char to flambé in one second flat.

“I hadn’t planned to,” he whispered then rolled on top of her and kissed her until she was panting and moaning and locking her legs around his waist and demanding he show her what he had planned in every dirty, intimate detail…

Chapter Five

Monday morning Viv was back at Delish with a renewed sense of purpose. It was a fresh week with a clean slate and, after a smorgasbord of sex over the weekend, she was invigorated. She should have been exhausted what with working all day Saturday and Sunday and not a lot of sleep going down. But it was as if the sheer indulgence of long nights spent entirely naked, really getting to know his body and vice versa, had refilled her well.

It had certainly put a bounce in her step as she entered the shop. And a smile on her face as she thought about Reuben’s rather hasty exit from her cottage this morning after he’d slept past his alarm. It had gone off but the phone had fallen down between the couch cushions and its location had apparently been the last thing on his mind as they’d finally drifted off to sleep at about three a.m.

He’d assured her though, as he’d thrown on the uniform he grabbed from his place on Sunday when Viv had been at work, that even oversleeping his alarm like he had, there was still ten minutes before he would be officially late for work and the sheriff’s office was only a brisk five-minute walk from Viv’s end of Bramble Lane. So it had been really bad of her to walk him to the door naked and press herself against him like she had and kiss him goodbye with quite that much gusto.

Probably letting her hand slide down to cup his erection had been very bad.

But his groan had told her otherwise and when his utility belt, which he’d had in his hand, thunked to the floor and he pushed her up against the door and slid his hand between her legs, what else could she have done other than go with the flow? Although how her legs hadn’t given way as he’d made her come like that, Viv had no idea.

The man was becoming some kind of sexual ninja. He knew all the right buttons to push in just the right order to get her over the line with astonishing speed.

But, even so, stopping to get her off like that had made him late and Viv guessed it made her an even worse person that it made her feel just a little bit giddy.

A little bit naughty.

What had he told his boss when he’d finally arrived at the station? What excuse had he used? Sorry, Boss, I overslept? Sorry, Boss, I got a flat. Or sorry, Boss, I stopped to get someone’s cat down from a tree?

They were probably all more palatable than sorry, Boss, my horn dog libido got out of control again and I was busy doing debauched things against a door with the town pariah.

God…she should not be smiling about this. She knew the step they’d taken this weekend would probably have repercussions. But Viv was still on a sexual high and she felt too freaking Copyright 2016 - 2024