All's Fair in Love and Chocolate (Marietta Chocolate Wars #1) - Amy Andrews Page 0,15

walking slowly by with the distinctive copper-colored boxes from Sage’s shop with audible exclamations as to its utter deliciousness.

Best chocolate in Montana seemed to be a particularly popular line. As if it was all being coordinated. Oh yes, such a friendly little place.

Still, Viv couldn’t help but smile at the antics. She didn’t know if it was the jezebel factor or the big corporate factor but, either way, it was amusing to witness.

She wasn’t worried. Viv was fine to let everyone blow off a bit of steam because she knew sooner or later, the locals would become curious and all she needed was to get them through the door. The product, the price and her canny way with customers—even if she did say so herself—would do the rest.

At least the slow pace gave her the opportunity to get some advertising copy together for the job’s vacant ads. Just two roles to start with, a manager and a shop assistant who would run the store in tandem. The staff would grow by a couple more over the months, part-time workers to ensure there was enough to cover for weekend trade and leave allowances but for now just the two full-time staff were required.

The fact that Delish was going to employ locals—as it always did—was another tick in the pro column and something Viv felt sure would improve the store’s standing within the community. Small-town economies were doing it tough all over the country so employment opportunities were always welcome.

Which was why the planning commission had given Delish the green light.

Viv looked up as the little brass bell over the door dinged at close to midday. It was probably the last person she expected to find coming through the door.

Sage O’Dell.

“Hi,” Sage greeted warmly, a huge bunch of flowers in her arms. “I meant to get here earlier to say welcome and congrats on opening day.” She crossed to the counter and handed over the flowers. “But it’s been one of those mornings.”

Yeah…and Viv knew why with every local in Marietta making a point of shopping at Sage’s this morning. But Sage hadn’t said it with any malice so Viv took the flowers and said, “Thank you.”

“I’m Sage,” she said holding out her hand.

“Yes, I know.” Viv laughed as she took the other woman’s hand and they briefly shook. “I’m Viv. Viv Dawson.”

“Yes.” Sage also laughed. “I know.” She looked around for a beat or two. “It’s lovely in here.”

Coming from Sage, Viv took that as a compliment. The other woman didn’t have to be in here congratulating her and welcoming her to the town when Viv was her direct competition but Sage seemed utterly genuine in her intent.

If it had been a city flush with chocolate shops, Viv might have been suspicious of Sage’s motives. Checking out the competition and all that. It was smart for sure—the first thing Viv had done in Marietta was head to the Copper Mountain chocolate shop. But it didn’t appear that was the impetus for this visit from Sage. There seemed to be nothing underhand about the visit.

With such a loyal customer base, Viv supposed Sage didn’t have to worry too much about Delish and it wasn’t Viv’s intention to put Sage out of business. She knew from her research they could peacefully coexist in Marietta otherwise it’d have been foolhardy to suggest a store here in the first place.

And besides competition was always good. It kept businesses on their toes.

“Thank you.” Viv also looked around. The inside of Delish was very different to Sage’s shop. Delish prided itself on sleek, elegant lines. On sophistication and classiness. Sage had perfected that rustic, artisan vibe in her space. “I see business is going well for you this morning.”

Sage laughed and blushed as she shot a look at Viv. “Don’t mind them, Viv, they’ll come around. They’re just very…protective. But they really are the friendliest people in all Montana once you get to know them.”

Yeah. So she’d heard…

“I know.” Viv smiled. She really wasn’t concerned about the lack of customers today. She’d have preferred it to be different and her bosses would certainly be surprised, but there wasn’t any cause to worry yet.

Sage leaned an elbow on the counter. “You and I, we have very different business models and I think we can easily share this space.”

“I agree.” Sage O’Dell was clearly business-savvy.

“If anyone comes into the shop looking for a…more packaged kind of chocolate I’ll be sure to send them over to you.”

Viv nodded her thanks. Copyright 2016 - 2024