All They Need - By Sarah Mayberry Page 0,81

bigger conversation?”

“Maybe because we are. And maybe because we should, before this thing between us goes any further.”

He frowned slightly. “Thing. I didn’t realize we were a thing.”

“Relationship,” she said. It was hard to get the word past the tightness in her throat. “This relationship.”

“Okay,” he said. “I’m happy to lay my cards on the table. More than happy. This is serious for me, Mel. I want you to be a part of my life.”

His gaze was steady and very serious and her heart seemed to expand and contract at the same time. Was it possible to be both thrilled and terrified simultaneously? Because that was how she felt—enormously gratified, and yet also scared to death.

“I feel the same way.” Anxiety was making her feel light-headed and she swallowed noisily.

“But you don’t want my key?”

“I made myself a promise after Owen and I separated that I would never let myself get trapped in a situation like that again. That I would never put myself in another person’s power in that way. That no matter what, I would always hang on to who I am.”

“I know your marriage was unhappy. But I’m still not sure how that relates to you having a key to my place.”

“Because if I take your key, you’ll expect mine. And then the next thing I know your things will be at my place and my things will be here, and then suddenly we’ll be living together…?. And I don’t want that. I can’t do that again.” It came out in a garbled rush.

He took a moment before he responded. “I know this has been hard for you, Mel. I know that you weren’t looking for a relationship so soon after your divorce. I get that, and I’m willing to wait as long as it takes for you to feel safe about us. Whatever it takes. We don’t have to rush into anything.”

“Time isn’t going to make any difference, Flynn.” It was hard to make herself say the words but she had to. Had to make him understand that if things were going to continue between them, there would be certain limitations. “I don’t ever want to live with a man again. And I definitely never want to get married.”

He didn’t move, didn’t say a word, but she could see she’d shocked him. It took him a moment to respond.

“Like I said, I’m willing to wait as long as it takes. We can take things one day at a time,” he finally said.

“It’s not going to change anything. I know what I want, and what I don’t want. I don’t want to lose myself to a relationship again.”

He stared at her, and she could see the dawning understanding in his eyes as he realized that she was serious. That this was a deal breaker for her.

His gaze dropped to the floor and he lifted his hand to rub his forehead, masking his expression from her for long seconds.

“It doesn’t change the way I feel about you. I love spending time with you. I’d like to keep spending time with you,” she said quietly.

He nodded but didn’t drop his hand. Something big and heavy was sitting in the pit of her stomach. She’d hurt him. Shocked him. He wanted her to have his key. He was serious about her. And she’d hurt him.

“Flynn, I’m really sorry,” she said helplessly.

Her gaze fell on the chopped parsley and garlic. Tears burned the back of her eyes. She liked this man so much. But she understood that what she’d said may have killed off any possibility between them, including the ones that scared her.

“If you want me to go, I can go. If you need time to think… I understand,” she said.

“I don’t want you to go, Mel. That’s pretty much the point, really, isn’t it?” He lifted his head and looked at her, his blue eyes blazing with intensity. “I’m crazy about you. I don’t want you to go anywhere.”

Even though she was half-afraid she wouldn’t be welcome, she stepped forward and threw her arms around him. His arms came around her at the same time and they held each other tightly.


She cupped the back of his head and pressed her cheek against his. He was such a special man. So beautiful, inside and out. But she simply could not risk herself again the way she had during her marriage. She’d already come so much further so much faster with Flynn than she’d imagined she could, but she didn’t have Copyright 2016 - 2024