All or nothing (Love in chaos #1) - Missy Johnson Page 0,55

and we stand up. He walks out with me, an arm around my shoulder, and kisses me softly on the lips.

“Bathroom break?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I reply, feeling the large soda's effects sharply.

He smiles and tells me he'll be waiting by the car. I go into the bathroom and use it, and freeze when, as I'm washing my hands, a hand grabs my shoulder and spins me around.

It's Lisa. She's my friend from school.

Oh, shit.

“Are you here with Ben Tyler?” she hisses, her green eyes flashing with outrage. Panic sticks the words in my throat. “Don't even try to deny it. I went back in to get my jacket and I saw you guys.”

My heart pounding, a breath escapes me.

She thinks I'm here with Ben. Not David.

That's… well, it's not good, but it's not quite so disastrous as it could’ve been.

“Yes,” I breathe out, relief flooding through me. “I’m here with Ben, but please don't tell anyone.”

She nods excitedly and takes my hands.

“Of course,” she replies. “I won't tell a soul.”

I nod, and she leaves. I wait a few minutes before I leave too. I'm so flustered I don't even dry my hands, just wipe them on my dress as I hurry outside and to the car. David is sitting in it with the engine on so it warms up, and I slide into the car, grateful that I don’t see Lisa hovering nearby.

That was close.

First period, the next morning, everyone is staring at me.

Lisa, the lying little bitch, told everyone.

They all think I went out with Ben and as rumors often do, they developed a life of their own. By eleven a.m., Lisa saw us going hot and heavy in the alleyway behind the cinema. By lunchtime, I was giving Ben a hand job in the back of the cinema. And by the time the final bell rang, I was apparently pregnant with Ben's kid because we'd had sex in his car.

Back home, I'm close to tears when I shut the door behind me. I flinch when my mother enters the hallway. She glares at me, her hands on her hips. It's getting harder to hold back the tears, because I know she knows. Her best friend is the principal at school. Ben’s mother.

“Out with Tara? Really?” she snaps at me. “Out with Tara?”


“Don't you Mom me, young lady. You are grounded for the rest of your life. I'm going to hunt that boy down and get him thrown in prison for this.”

“Mom, nothing happened.” Tears roll down my cheeks. “I swear, I swear to you nothing happened with Ben. I'm not… I didn't have sex, I'm not pregnant. Whatever you heard, it's not true.”

“So, you didn't lie to me and go out with a boy?” she asks.

“I can't answer that,” I whisper.

“Go to your room. Now.”

She points upstairs, and I obey meekly, slamming the door shut.

Throwing myself on the bed, I sob into my hands, not sure what to do. I want to call David so badly, but if my mom hears me on the phone, she'll absolutely flip. If she figures out who I was out with last night, it will end his career. I’m crying so hard that I can barely see. When my phone chimes I grab for it blindly hoping it’s David, but it’s Tara.

Fuck that lying little bitch. Honestly, what the hell? I'm in your corner, babe. Whenever you want to tell me what actually happened, I'll listen. Judgement-free zone, promise.

There are a lot of emojis following the text. It makes me smile, just a little. I text her back that I'll explain things in the morning. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now.

Anyone other than David.

The next day is worse.

Not because I have to go to school and listen to the whispers or deal with the staring. It's worse because David doesn't even look at me during class. He doesn't ask me to stay behind. He doesn't even leave a little smiley face on my essay, which in my opinion was some of my best work. I know why he has to do it, but it hurts so badly.

Almost a week later, I’m lying in bed, but I can’t sleep. Every day has been more of the same. The rumors are starting to die down, but David wants nothing to do with me. My grades are slipping because he’s all I can think about. I feel like I’m a shell of my former self. I keep thinking if only we’d gone Copyright 2016 - 2024