All or nothing (Love in chaos #1) - Missy Johnson Page 0,39

I get my coffee, I head outside to find Liv. I don’t have to look far, because she’s leaning against the railing, like she’s waiting for me.

“I was hoping you’d come out.” She cocks her head to the side as I approach her.

“Thanks for giving me an escape route.” I lean against the railing next to her. “That was the most painful thing in my life.”

“Even worse than you nearly hooking up with your mom?”

I glower at her as she bites her lip to stop from smiling.

“Please never phrase it like that again. And for the record, no. The thing with Mom was way worse.”

“I gotta ask… how did you not know it was her?” she asks me with a straight face this time, but her eyes are still twinkling.

“Because it wasn’t Mom I was speaking to,” I justify. “It was your brother. He was chatting to the both of us and arranging the meetup.”

“Ah, of course Jake would be involved.” Liv sighs, like it all makes sense. “So, your mom was an attempt to win this bet?” she clarifies.

“Yep,” I admit. “And things went downhill from there. You’re enjoying this way too much,” I add with a grumble as she chuckles beside me.

“Well, it is kind of hilarious.” She grins.

“Can we talk about something else?”

“Sure,” she agrees. “Your mom and Brian seem like a cute couple.” I narrow my eyes at her as she dissolves into laughter. “What? I’m being serious.”

“You’re enjoying messing with me way too much.”

I’m acting annoyed, but honestly? Seeing her smile like this makes my heart race. She can make fun of me all day if her face is going to light up like that.

“Fine, you pick the subject,” she replies, rolling her eyes.

“Have dinner with me tonight?”

My question is out of nowhere, and the mood shifts as an awkward silence fills the air. I hold my breath, because I really want her to say yes. It’s nothing to do with the bet either, but one look in her eyes and I know that’s what she’s thinking about.

“Ben, I’m not marrying you,” she says softly. “I can’t.”

“I didn’t ask you to.”

“Yes, you did,” she reminds me. “Yesterday. And it doesn’t matter, because every time we’re together, it’s in the back of my mind. You need someone to marry, and you don’t have time to waste it on me.”

“Isn’t up to me if how I want to spend my time?”

She stares at me for the longest time, like she’s trying to weigh up if it’s worth the risk. I take her fingers and entwine them in mine. When she looks away, I know I’ve got her.

“Fine,” she finally sighs. “I’ll have dinner with you. But that’s it.”

“That’s all I’m asking for,” I promise her.

Chapter 13


“What was all that about?” I confront Tara when we’re back in our room.

“Oh, come on.” She rolls her eyes like she thinks I’m overreacting. “I was just messing around. It’s not like anything’s happened between you, anyway—” She stops, her eyes widening. “Wait, something has happened, hasn’t it?”

“No. Yes.” I throw myself down on my bed. “It was just a kiss.”

“And you didn’t tell me?” Tara squeals as she throws herself down next to me. “And it’s never just a kiss, honey, trust me. But seriously, why didn’t you tell me?”

Her brow furrows, like she’s doing her best to look annoyed with me, but the dreamy smile on her face gives her away.

“Because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it in case…”

“In case he’s just playing the game?” Tara finishes.

I nod, hating how unsure I feel. I know I like him, and that we have a connection. What I don’t know is how pure his intentions are. He’s been honest about the bet from the beginning, but he might not even be intentionally setting out to hurt me. What if he’s forcing his feelings for me without even realizing it?

“He asked me to dinner,” I confide in Tara.

“Are you kidding?” She squeals and grabs hold of my arm. “Liv, you’ve got nothing to worry about. He’s totally into you. I can see it when he looks at you. And the way he avoided my question during the game?” She rolls her eyes and lets out a dreamy sigh. “He did that because he could see how uncomfortable you were.”

“Everyone could see I was uncomfortable except for you,” I remind her, still annoyed at my friend.

“I know, I’m sorry. Ben was winding me up and I retaliated.” She Copyright 2016 - 2024