All or nothing (Love in chaos #1) - Missy Johnson Page 0,22

around me. I was expecting a private yacht, or something a little more exclusive than a packed cruise ship. It doesn’t even look like I can play this to my advantage either because there are a heck of a lot of older people. In fact, the more I look, I don’t see anyone under retirement age. I pull out my phone and dial Mason.

“Where are you?”

“On board. In the VIP Suite. It’s up top.”

“Okay, I’m on my way there,” I say. “Nice of you to include the elderly.”


I end the call without explanation as the porter who let me on the boat walks past me. I catch his attention and give him a wide smile.

“Sorry, my man. Where can I find the VIP suite?”

The porter frowns slightly and shakes his head. “There is no VIP suite.”

“I’m sorry, there must be a mistake,” I begin. “I’m here for Andrew’s Sullivan’s bachelor party?”

He peers at me, a bemused look in his eyes.

“I think someone is messing with you, son.”

The foghorn sounds again and the porter hurries off to take care of business, leaving me standing there, alone. I’m about to dial Mason again, when I see he’s texted me.

Mason: Get off the boat now.

Feeling sick to my stomach, I press call, because something is very, very wrong.

“Ben.” The voice comes out cheerfully, but it’s not Mason. It’s Jake.

“You fucker,” I snap. “What did you do?”

Jake laughs. “Took you a moment there, huh, big guy?”

“Where the hell am I?” I ask, looking around me. I should have known Jake would try to sabotage me. I just didn’t expect him to do it like this.

“You’re on a lovely cruise for singles over sixty. Three full days of unadulterated fun with the people who shaped our heritage, while we enjoy Andrew’s bachelor party on a private yacht, filled with plenty of hot, single ladies. Jealous?”

Three days puts me back on land Sunday, which means I'm screwed.

“You fucking little shit,” I spit, my heart thumping in my chest.

“You might want to watch your language considering the company you’re in.” Jake chuckles. “Respect and all that.”

“You asshole—”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. But no one said I couldn't do what I wanted to try and get my hands on that company. You know what it's like to want something so bad, huh Ben? And since you won’t be making the bachelor party, the original deadline stands. You have until Sunday, midnight. Good luck, buddy.”

The line goes dead before I can reply.

Is this payback for what he thinks I did to his sister? No. That's ridiculous. He would've shown his cards long before now if revenge is what he was after. Unless he's a sociopath who's been planning this for years. Anything is possible. I launch into another round of self-loathing for letting myself get into this situation in the first place. I should've known better than to let my guard down around Jake.

“Honey, you look lost.”

I turn around to see the source of the voice and find two old ladies ogling me. Both women look about seventy and I find myself sizing them up. Neither of them are wife material, but who knows what I’m capable of if I get desperate enough.

“I didn’t know they allowed them on the boat this young, Bessy.”

Bessy lets out a throaty chortle which quickly progresses into a coughing fit.

“I guess they weren’t kidding when they said they’d cater for all our needs,” she cracks.

“Do you think we’re on a fantasy cruise?” the first one muses in between fits of laughter. “Because I’m pretty sure this lad stars in most of my sexy dreams.”

The boat shudders beneath us and starts moving. I glance back at the shore, which is fast disappearing. I’m sure I could swim it, but knowing my luck, jumping off a moving cruise ship will probably land me in jail. Then I’d really be fucked—probably in more ways than one.

“Sorry, darling,” Bessy says, as if she can read my thoughts. “But the only way you’re getting off is with us.” She winks at me. “Pun intended.”

I groan as they dissolve into another fit of hysterical laughter, my lack of amusement only fueling theirs. Eventually, Bessy grabs the arm of her friend and drags her away.

I turn back to the water and grip hold of the railing, my heart racing a million miles an hour. This is bad. Really bad. My phone beeps. I pull it out, praying it’s Mason, telling me he’s kidding and that they’re on board. Of course it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024