All or nothing (Love in chaos #1) - Missy Johnson Page 0,20

denial, or if she really feels this at ease, but it’s making me nervous. I feel like I'm fifteen-years old again, sitting in the car while she drives me to school.

I gaze out the window, her words lost on me as so many emotions flow through me. Everywhere I look, there are memories. The park where Tara and I used to play when we were kids. The tree I fell out of and broke my arm when Jake dared me to climb it to the very top. The diner around the corner from school that made the most amazing chocolate shakes.

My smile fades when we pass my old school, and more memories come back. These ones not so good. The secret touches, the stolen kisses when I'd pretended to go to the bathroom or the nurse's office. The first time he took me out in public… I swallow as acid rises up my stomach, burning my throat. Our relationship lasted for nearly six months. Six months and nobody picked up on what was going on. How is that even possible?

I guess I had the perfect cover in Ben.


Snapping out of my thoughts, I glance at her, startled. Then I look around and realize we’ve just pulled into the driveway of her house. Our house.

“I was just reminding you we don’t have much time to get ready,” she says, unclipping her seatbelt. “The cruise departs at one.” I must’ve made a face, because she rolls her eyes. “Oh, come on. It won’t be that bad. I’ll admit that even I was dubious at first, but Jake convinced me it was time to get myself back out there and meet people. Since your father obviously has.”

I don't reply, because I feel uncomfortable talking about Dad and Elena. Especially since they've been my family for the last five years.

“Okay, well tell me where to be. I'll pick up Tara and meet you there,” is all I say.

Mom’s expression falters, like she was hoping that we would travel there together, but she quickly recovers and gives me a wide smile.

“I'll text you the details then.” She hesitates, before adding, “I'm looking forward to spending some time with you, Liv.”

My eyes sting at her words, because if that were true, she would’ve taken the time and effort to come visit me. Regular phone calls and texts weren’t enough. The way she shipped me off to live with someone I barely knew, I felt like her dirty little secret. But instead of resurfacing old wounds, I muster up a smile.

“Me too.”

Chapter 7


This is not working.

I shouldn't have even come in today, because it's not like I can focus. I've been staring at the same blank screen on my laptop for the last two hours, because all I can think about is Louise, Jake, and this stupid bet.

I pick up my phone and scroll through the messages I'd been exchanging with Louise for most of the morning and last night. An unfamiliar feeling stirs inside me, because I really want to call her. I tap my finger on the edge of my desk, torn over what to do. On the one hand, it feels too early, since we only met last night. On the other hand, I'm not exactly spoiled for time.

In the end, I bite the bullet and press call.

“Louise. It’s Ben.”

“Ben. Hi,” she says, sounding pleased to hear from me. “That’s strange,” she replies. “Somehow, you sound less British over the phone.”

Shit, the damn accent.

“I’ve been living here for a while,” I say—in my fake accent, without missing a beat. “Sometimes, especially after a long meeting, I tend to lose the accent a little.” I’m babbling now, but I don’t know what else to do. “Besides, it was a few little words. How much can you really tell from that?”

“Depends on the words, I guess. Sometimes a few little words can make all the difference, you know,” she says. “Three little words, for example.”

“Well, we’re a far cry from those three words.”

“So, give me other words to work with,” she says.

I chuckle. I love how cocky she is.

“Go out with me.”

“That’s four words,” she laughs.

“Work with me here,” I plead. “I just need one in return.”

She giggles. “Okay. You must really like me, calling me after one night. Isn’t that breaking some kind of guy code?”

I smile at the sound of her voice and close my eyes, picturing that beautiful smile.

“It wasn’t a date, remember?” I remind her.

“True,” she agrees. “I guess that makes the Copyright 2016 - 2024