All My Loving - Marie Force Page 0,94

what they think?”

“I don’t, it’s just that sometimes…”


“I don’t want you to think I’m complaining about having Caden. I love him more than anything in the world.”

“I know that. Everyone knows that.”

“I’m only twenty-three, but sometimes I feel like I’m forty or even older. Like tonight… I really like Caroline, but what’s the point? She lives here. I’m hours away in Vermont. Even if I wanted to come here and see her, I can’t.”

“Whoa, Maxi-Pad, take a breath.”

Max’s thunderous expression was no surprise—it happened every time he and Lucas trotted out the nickname they’d come up with for Max after middle school health class. “I can still punch you in the face with a baby in my arms.”

“Easy, killer.”

“You and your brother are still assholes.”

“My brother and I are offended.”


“About Caroline,” Landon said. “If you like her, don’t go straight to hopeless. Anything is possible if you want it badly enough.”

“Are you talking about me or yourself?”

“Both, I guess. For a long time, it seemed like nothing was going to happen for me and Amanda, and once I found the courage to be truthful with her about what I wanted, it’s been… incredible.”

“I’m glad for you. She seems like a really nice girl.”

“She’s the best.”

“So this is it for you?”

“I think so.”

“Wow. I’m going to be the only single one standing.”

“You won’t be single for long. Despite what we think, people of the female persuasion seem to find you less revolting than we do.”

“Gee, thanks,” Max said, laughing. “That’s one hell of an endorsement.”

“You’re a hell of a guy, Max Abbott. Don’t let what one woman did make you give up on all of them. That’d just compound the tragedy.”

“I hear you. Look at you becoming wise in your old age.”

“Shocking, right?”

“I always knew you had it in you.”

“I’m glad you did, because I had no clue.”

He followed Max into the hotel lobby and caught up to Amanda. As they walked to the elevator, he put his arm around her and kept her close for the ride to the fifth floor, where most of the rooms were occupied by family members. They said good night to Will and Cam and then waited for Max to fish his keycard out of his pocket while balancing Caden.

“You need any help, Max?” Landon asked.

“Nope, we’re good. See you guys in the morning.”


Landon and Amanda were next door and Lucas, Dani and Savannah on the other side of them.

“Night,” Lucas said as he walked by with Dani.

“Don’t let me hear any noises coming from over there,” Landon said.

“Ditto,” Lucas said, smirking.

“Might be a good night for ear plugs,” Landon said.

Amanda smacked his shoulder. “Shut up.”

“He’s all yours,” Lucas said, rolling his eyes.

Landon opened the door, ushered Amanda in ahead of him and let the door close behind them. “Wait.”

She turned to him, and he could tell he took her by surprise when he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with hours’ worth of pent-up desire pouring forth in a kiss that went on for what felt like forever.

“Whoa,” she said. “What brought that on?”

“Hours and hours and hours surrounded by my family. That’s what.”

“Aw, did you have to be on your best behavior?”

He cupped her ass and tugged her in tight against his erection. “I did, and it was painful.”

“How painful?”

“Excruciating. I had to keep my hands and lips and every other part of me to myself.”

“I thought I took care of all that this morning.”

“That was a hundred years ago, and besides, it’s your own fault for being so damned sexy in that dress.” When he’d seen her in the red dress she’d worn in deference to the Sox, he’d nearly drooled all over himself. He helped her remove the cute little denim jacket she’d paired with the dress and then ran his hands over her luscious curves. “I can’t help myself. You just do it for me.”


“Nice how that works out, huh?”

“Nicest thing ever.”

“Is it? Really?”

“Of course it is, Landon. Between everything that’s happened with you and having Stella back in my life, not to mention your amazing family, who I already love so much… Sometimes I just want to pinch myself that it’s all real.”

“It’s so real.” He kissed her some more and then wrapped his arms around her, needing to have her close to him. “I saw you on your phone earlier. Were you still talking to Stella?”

She nodded. “We were texting all night—because it’s easier now that I’m out of the mountains. She was having a rough Copyright 2016 - 2024