All My Loving - Marie Force Page 0,84

loud, after years of pretending like Stella had never happened.

“How long did it last?”

“I’m afraid to tell you.”

“Ugh, the whole time, then.”

“Just about.”

“Gavin will never be able to handle that. Every time I’m sick, he’s heartbroken.”

“Poor you!”

“Poor both of us.”

“It’ll be worth it when your little one arrives.”

“Absolutely. I’ve got your accessories out here when you’re ready.”

“I just need to touch up my makeup. I’ll be right out.” Amanda brushed her teeth, reapplied mascara and lipstick and ran a brush through her hair, deciding she was as ready as she’d ever be to model.

She came out of the ladies’ room and nearly collided with Landon, who was wearing a brown plaid flannel rolled up over his forearms. “That color is perfect on you.”

“Glad you like it.” He hooked an arm around her waist and drew her into his embrace.

“Don’t mess up my lipstick.”

“Come on, you two,” Ella said. “We’re on a tight schedule.”

“Don’t be a cock-blocker, El,” Landon replied.

Amanda had gotten to see his grumpy side as he prepared to do something he had no interest in doing. “You’re cute when you’re grumpy.”

“You’re cute all the time.”

“I can’t take all this cuteness,” Ella said as she adorned Amanda with earrings, a necklace and bracelet from Hannah’s jewelry line and topped off the ensemble with a brown velvet hat that Amanda wondered if she could keep.

“You look hot, babe,” Landon said. “Mountain chic works on you.”

“Is that a thing?” Izzy asked. “Mountain chic?”

“If it isn’t, it should be.” Amanda smiled at Landon. “We can use that in the catalog.”

“Where do you want us, Iz?” Landon asked. “I’ve got grass that ain’t gonna cut itself.”

“We’ll do you first.” Izzy positioned him where she wanted him and went through the various poses she wanted him to do.

As Amanda stood off to the side and watched, she experienced a sinking feeling when she realized that once those photos went live, he’d be even more popular with women than he already was. They’d probably come from all over to lay their eyes—and other parts—on him. The thought made her want to claw the eyes out of those imaginary women.

“He’s too cute, isn’t he?” Ella said.

Amanda glanced at her. “Funny, I was just thinking that and wondering if I’m going to need a stick to beat off the fans who’ll come from all over to try to meet him.”

“A stick might not be a bad idea.”

“They’ll be looking for Gavin, too.”

“Let them try,” Ella said with a shocking amount of venom that was in marked contrast to her usual sweetness.

“They’ll make it another kind of scavenger hunt to find all the hot guys in the catalog.”

“Maybe we can do something with that from a marketing perspective.”

“Sure, let’s start with Gavin.”

Ella laughed. “Touché.”

Izzy put Landon through the various poses before declaring herself satisfied.

“Your next item is hanging in the men’s room,” Ella said.

“There’s more?” Landon asked, clearly not pleased to hear that.

“Much more,” Ella said. “We’re each doing twelve items.”

“Oh my God! You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Do I look like I’m kidding? If you don’t like it, take it up with Dad. This was his bright idea.”

Landon scowled at her and took off for the men’s room to change.

“You’re up, Amanda,” Izzy said.

Three hours later, they emerged from the Grange into bright sunshine.

“That was the most excruciating thing I’ve ever had to do,” Landon said.

“You’re not built to be stuck inside all day mugging for the camera.”

“You know it.”

“I’m going to need a stick to keep the ladies away from you after that catalog drops.”

“What? No way.”

“Yes way. They’re going to come from far and wide to meet the hot models.”

“They are not. Don’t be silly.”

“Not being silly,” Amanda said. “It’s going to happen. In fact, Ella is thinking about making a scavenger hunt out of it called ‘Come to Butler and Find the Hot Guys in Our Catalog.’”

“She is not doing that!”

“She won’t have to. They’ll do it on their own. I hope you guys are ready for what’s going to happen when that catalog lands in mailboxes.”

“Nothing will happen.”


He stopped walking and turned to her. “You aren’t actually still worried about other women, are you? Because you have to know there’s no one but you. Tell me you know that.”

“I do.”

“Why don’t you sound convinced?”

“I have some concerns.”

He took her by the hand and walked silently to the parking lot where he’d parked his truck. Their plan had been for him to drop her back at his place before he left for the farm. Copyright 2016 - 2024