All My Loving - Marie Force Page 0,40

hoping he’d someday have a family to fill it with. Except, Charley has always said she doesn’t want to get married or have kids.”

“And he doesn’t mind?”

“He’s crazy about her. From what I’ve heard, he said he’d rather have her than a dozen kids with someone else.”

“That’s very sweet.”

“He’s a nice guy, and we like her a whole lot better since she’s been with him. We call him the Charley Tamer.”

“Does she know that?”

“Oh God, no. She’d beat the shit out of us if she heard that.”

Amanda laughed at the look of pure fright on his face. “And she’s capable of beating the shit out of you?”

“She fights really dirty.”

“I suppose she’d have to with seven brothers.”

He scoffed. “She’s lucky to have us.”

“I’m sure she feels very lucky.”

He pulled up to the house and got out to help her, lifting her from the truck and settling her on the blacktop as he eyed the house with trepidation. “Don’t let them say or do anything to give you second thoughts about me.”

“They wouldn’t do that.”

He huffed out a laugh. “Yes, they would.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not easily scared off.”

“I hope not.” He looked down at her, impossibly handsome and adorably sincere. “Today was fucking awesome.”

“Yes, it was.”

“I wish I didn’t have to work the next few nights.”

“How come?”

He gave her a withering look. “You know why. I have much better things to do than work.”

“I’ll still be there in the morning.”

“You promise?”

She smiled up at him as she nodded. “Have a good night at work.”

“Have fun with the vipers known as my sisters.”

“Be nice. They’re not vipers.”

“I’ll kill them if they do anything to turn you off of me.”

“You helped me achieve one of my major life goals today—five times over. It’s going to take an awful lot to turn me off you.”

His face lit up with the smug, arrogant grin she was growing to love. “Is that right?”

“That’s right. Now go to work and don’t worry about me.” She went up on tiptoes to kiss him. “All is well.”

“Landon!” Charley called from the door inside the garage. “Put it on ice, and let her come in!”

Glaring in the direction of his sister’s voice, he offered an arm to Amanda to escort her inside. “Make sure someone walks you to the car. I don’t want you to fall.”

“Yes, dear.”

“I mean it.”

“I’ll be careful. Don’t worry. I have no desire to extend my recovery. I’ve got things I want to do that require a working ankle.”

Charley met them at the door and opened it. “Say goodbye, Landon. You’re not invited to this party.”

“I’ll call you later.” He kissed Amanda’s cheek. “Have fun, and don’t make eye contact with Charley. She’s feral.”

“Haha.” Charley extended her arm to Amanda to help her up the small flight of stairs. “Now go away.” Once Amanda cleared the doorway, Charley shut the inside door. “What’ve you done to him? He’s like a lovesick puppy.”

“Is he?”

“For real. Never seen him like that.”

Amanda was secretly pleased to hear that, but mindful of Landon’s warnings about his sisters, she just shrugged. “Not sure.” She handed over her coat to Charley, who held Amanda’s arm while Amanda removed her shoes. “Sorry to come empty-handed.”

“Don’t worry about it. The others brought enough for an army. Come in.” Charley led the way through her spacious, modern kitchen into a family room where a roaring fire had been lit in the massive fireplace.

Amanda eyed the fire warily, but before she could fixate on it, Dani came over to hug her.

“Glad you could come,” Dani said. “I’ve been instructed to drive you home whenever you want to go.”

“Instructed by who?”

“Landon called Lucas and asked if I’d bring you home.”

“Ah, I see. That must’ve happened while I was in the shower.” She thought it was sweet of him to make sure she had a ride home. “Where’s Savannah?”

“With Lucas. He insisted he felt well enough to sit at home with a sleeping baby.”

“I’m so thankful he’s doing better.”

“We’re thankful you both are.”

Hannah, Ella, Cameron, Lucy and Megan came over to say hello, each of them hugging her and making her feel welcome.

She was helped into a chair and told to put her foot up on the ottoman. “I feel like Cinderella after the ball.”

“Only around here, the magic slipper is a boot,” Cameron said. Her long blond hair was captured in a messy bun, her hand flat against her pregnant belly. She looked ready to pop at any time.

The women settled around a table laden with snacks Copyright 2016 - 2024