All My Loving - Marie Force Page 0,3

a planner. I plan every minute of every day so I know exactly what I’m doing. I follow strategic and marketing plans at work.”

“The fire upset your plans and forced you to live without one for the time being.”

“Yes, exactly, and I feel like I’m adrift at sea or something.”

“You will for a while, and then you’ll start to figure out a new plan. I also had something happen to me when I was a senior in high school. I lost someone very close to me. Took me years to move past that, and it wasn’t until I met Linc and fell for him that I truly confronted the loss, so I understand better than you might think.”

“I’m sorry that happened to you.”

“Thank you.”

“So you don’t think I’m a total loon because I can’t stop crying?”

Molly smiled. “Not at all. I’ve known some real loons in my time. What you’re feeling is totally normal. The fire was a big wake-up call, a reminder that nothing is guaranteed.”

“It really was. Just when I think I’m getting better, Landon does something nice for me, and I dissolve into tears all over again. The poor guy can’t catch a break with me.”

“I’m sure he’s just fine. He understands you’re emotional after the fire.”

“There’s emotional, and then there’s me. I’ve been taking it to a whole other level lately. I wouldn’t blame him if he sent me packing.”

“He’s not going to do that. You weren’t there, so you don’t know how he jumped right in to volunteer when we discussed that you’d need somewhere to go after you were released from the hospital. He wouldn’t hear of any other plan but you coming home with him.”

“I… I didn’t know that.”

“You’re here because he very much wanted you to be. People tend to underestimate him and Lucas. They think the two of them are nothing more than silly clowns—and they can definitely be that. But there’s a lot of substance beneath their tomfoolery.”

“I’ve seen that since the fire. He’s been incredible. He hasn’t left my side, except to go to work, since I got here.”

“That sounds like him. He’s true blue, but you don’t need me singing his praises. You’ve seen it with your own eyes.”

“I have.”

“Don’t worry about being emotional around him. He can handle it.”

“I’m not sure that I can.”

Molly laughed. “I bet you’re stronger than you think. In the time we’ve known you, all I’ve seen is a strong, capable, competent, intelligent woman.”

The kind words from someone she greatly respected had her weeping again. “You see? All it takes is someone being nice to me, and I’m a disaster.”

Molly hugged her again. “I promise you’ll get through this strange phase, and you’ll start to get used to feeling all the things again. Maybe it’ll turn out to be a blessing that this happened. It’s not healthy to stuff your feelings into a box for years on end. That’s not sustainable long-term.”

“Is that what happened to you?”

Molly nodded. “I was numb for five years. I met Linc right after I graduated from college, and when I started to feel all the things for him, I had a similar reaction. I finally grieved the boyfriend I’d lost. It was like a delayed reaction. I knew Linc was the one for me when he never blinked an eye at me crying over another man.”

“I’ve cried more about the thing from high school in the last week than I have in all the years since it happened.”

“Because the fire opened the door to all those old emotions. I’m so sorry you’re hurting that way. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

“This has helped. More than you know. Thank you for listening and for understanding.”

“I do understand, and I feel for you. Emotional overload after years of numbness is tough to take.”

“It is, and it helps to hear it might be normal, despite how it feels.”

“It’s completely normal.” Molly handed her yet another tissue. “I promise you’re going to survive this, and perhaps be better off once you figure out how to process everything you’re feeling.”

“I’ll have to take your word on that.”

“You have my number if you ever need to talk. I’m always available to you.”

“Thank you so much, Molly. For dinner and for listening.”

“Any time. Hang in there. Like the storm raging outside, the one raging inside you will pass, too, and I promise you’ll be just fine.”

Amanda hugged her. “I hope you’re right.”

“I usually am. Just ask my children.”

Laughing, Amanda said, Copyright 2016 - 2024