All Kidding Aside - Macy Blake Page 0,62

plastered? I’ll go with a three. Maybe a four, depending on when this thing pumps another dose into me.”

Eduard glanced fondly at the floor again, where Gus and Draco were racing cars and crashing them into each other. Each bang of the plastic toys had Gus laughing and clapping his hands.

When Eduard turned his attention back to Riggs, he’d grown more serious. “Ever heard of the Chosen One?”

Riggs shrugged. “I mean, heard of, yeah. Some myth about a savior or something. Seemed about as real as King Arthur to me.”

Eduard grinned. “You’ve met King Arthur?”


“Well, you’ve met the Chosen One, so I just thought…”

Riggs scowled. “Not cool, man. My brain is too muddled to get jokes.”

Eduard leaned forward and touched Riggs’s wrist. He met his gaze and held it. “Sawyer is the Chosen One.”

The words still weren’t quite processing. “But… what? I thought…”

“Draco and I, along with the rest of our mates, are Sawyer’s guardians.”

Riggs tried to slot the pieces of the puzzle together, but they weren’t quite making sense. “So when Victor said some stuff had happened with magic…” He stalled, not even knowing how to finish the thought. Magic wasn’t his thing. Hammers and nails were his speed. He left the myths and legends to the storybooks and people a hell of a lot smarter than him.

“Our magic has been broken for centuries. I won’t go into all the details, but Sawyer had to fix it. It’ll take time, but our magic is healing and growing stronger. We can find our mates again, and we can also have children.”

“Well, we could have kids before.”

“Not as many. That should begin resolving itself as well.”

Riggs glanced at Gus once more, at least one piece of the puzzle becoming clear. “Gus was part of it, wasn’t he?”


“Someone hurt Gus because of magic.”


Riggs growled low and deep, drawing both Gus’s and Draco’s attention. “Who do I kill?”

Draco grinned. “Too late.”

“I’m sorry I missed it.” He yawned and leaned back against the mattress again. “What’s this got to do with me, though?”

“Well, I think Victor doesn’t believe he’s capable of finding his mate. I think he still believes it is impossible.”

Riggs glanced at Gus again, watching him yawn and rub his eyes. “But he knows it’s possible because of you.”

Eduard shrugged. “Stubborn fool, like I said.”

“Hmm. Hey, can you bring me Gus?”

Draco nodded, then stood and picked Gus up again. He gently placed him beside Riggs. Gus immediately climbed onto Riggs’s chest and tucked his face into Riggs’s neck. He popped his thumb into his mouth and began to suck.

Riggs ignored the twinges of pain and tried to relax. “He’s afraid he’s going to lose me and Gus,” Riggs said quietly. “We’ve gotta figure out how to keep that from happening, don’t we, little man?”



Victor was on his tenth espresso shot when he heard footsteps approaching his office. He ignored the shaking in his hands and composed his features. He couldn’t have been more surprised to see his uncle walking into his office.

“Uncle Augustus.”


Victor pushed to his feet, hoping his uncle didn’t notice he swayed and had to catch his balance against the desk. “It’s good to see you. What brings you by?”

Augustus frowned. “I heard you were home.”

His uncle was as unreadable as ever. “Yes. I had a few things that needed immediate attention.”

Victor’s housekeeper appeared in the doorway. “Good afternoon, Mr. Eastaughffe. Could I get you anything?”

“Some water would be lovely. And another water for my nephew. Oh, and Rosie?”

“Yes, sir?”

“If he asks for another espresso, please say no and notify me immediately.”

Her eyes bulged, and she glanced toward Victor. He slumped back in his chair, preparing for the argument his uncle was about to unleash on him. “Thank you, Rosie.”

She hurried away as Augustus sat down in one of the leather chairs across from Victor’s desk. He laid his hands casually along the arms, his cool blue eyes meeting Victor’s.


“I would strongly advise you to close your mouth and make sure you’ve thought through whatever nonsense is about to spew out of it.”

Victor snapped his mouth shut. He breathed deeply before speaking. “Eduard needs to keep his nose—”

“Are you telling me that my son knows you’re here and out of control and chose not to notify me? I’ll be visiting him next. It seems we need to have a few words as well.”

Victor gulped. He’d have to return the Richter for this. He’d probably have to buy Eduard another one too. And he’d still not be even.

“Then who?”


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