All I Ask of You (Heron's Landing #2) - Iris Morland Page 0,70

he seemed to need to cook something. She heard him puttering about the kitchen, swearing and chopping and sautéing what seemed like everything in his fridge. She sat on the couch and tried to wrap her head around everything that had happened.

Her brain wouldn’t work, though. She kept remembering the sound of those gunshots, the way Eric had pointed that gun at Jaime. She closed her eyes and it was all she could see.

“Don’t think about it,” Jaime said as he sat a plate in front of her. “You’ll drive yourself crazy.”

She stared at the grilled cheese in front of her, and her stomach turned. “I can’t eat anything.”

“At least drink something.”

She forced herself to swallow some water, which helped her feel a little bit better. But she just leaned her head against Jaime’s shoulder as he ate.

“My parents were in El Salvador right as the civil war began,” he said softly, not looking at her. “They’ve never told me everything they saw, but I know that some of their best friends and so many family members just…disappeared. When I asked them how they coped, they said all they could do at the time was look forward. If you look back, the past will take over your future.”

Grace rubbed his back. “I’m so glad you’re all right. The thought of you out there, that gun…” She choked back a sob.

He turned toward her, pulling her into his arms. “Don’t think about it. Don’t. It’s over. It’s over, Graciela. Even if they still charge me, Eric won’t be getting out any time soon for attempted murder. You’re safe, I’m safe.”

She shook her head. “You’re not safe if you end up going to jail, too!” She plucked at his shirt, like she could find the answers she was looking for in the weave of the cotton. “I want to help you. I want to, but how can I? You shouldn’t have to do this alone.”

Jaime just held her. They held each other as afternoon turned into evening.

Grace’s phone rang. Seeing that it was her mother again, she said, “I should probably go home.”

He nodded. “They’re worried about you.”

“Will you be all right by yourself?”

“Go, Graciela. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She leaned down to kiss him, and he hauled her into his lap, kissing her until she gasped for air. He murmured her name against her hair.

“I have to go,” she said, extricating herself from his arms.

He kissed her fingers before he finally let go.

Grace could barely comprehend the passing of time anymore. She didn’t see Jaime again until three days later, despite calling him multiple times. He’d told her he was busy talking to his newly hired lawyer, to the cops, and everything was such a mess that he hadn’t had time to come by to see her.

Although she missed him, she was glad to get home for a bit. Julia hovered over her, especially once she saw the bruise on her cheek, and Grace had cried in her arms for a while, a cleansing kind of cry that made her feel somewhat better. Carl—never particularly demonstrative—embraced Grace in a bone-crushing hug, and although there was still anger and frustration between them, she realized that her father loved her, in his own way. She’d hugged him back, hoping that they could return to what their relationship had once been.

On Monday, Christmas Day arrived. Grace had forgotten about it in the swirl of events, although the Danvers house was suitably decorated with the requisite tree, lights, and various Santa figurines. That morning, Grace came downstairs to find her entire family—including both brothers, Joy, and Emma—all in the living room. They exchanged presents and ate a Christmas breakfast. Grace had neglected to buy anyone a present, for which she apologized profusely. Julia had merely leaned over and rubbed her arm, telling her she didn’t need to worry about that.

The rest of the day was spent playing with Emma’s new toys—Grace sat on the floor with her niece next to her as they dressed dolls and built Lego sets—and although she couldn’t stop thinking about Jaime and wished he could be here, she also was glad to be with her family now. She’d missed them. They drove her crazy most days, but they were still her family.

But when it began snowing later that evening, Grace stood at the window and felt tears fall. She didn’t know. She just knew something was going to happen.

Emma came up to her. Her blue eyes gazed up at her. She Copyright 2016 - 2024