All Hail - J. Bree Page 0,91

lose you to death. Luca will keep you safe and he’ll keep you here. I’ll make sure no big decisions are made until the Wolf returns home.”

My lip curls but his eyes flick over to Luca and for once the grinning idiot looks somber at his task for the night.

Probably because he knows I’m going to burn this motherfucker to the ground.

I pull myself up, roll my shoulders back and then I cross my hands in front of my body, the standing variation of the Avery Beaumont Power Pose.

Atticus doesn’t give a shit about it, he just turns on his heel and walks out the door.

The moment it clicks shut I go for my phone only to find the pocket of my dinner jacket empty.

Atticus took it while he distracted me with a kiss.

I have to rein in my rage, hold it back and make a plan because there’s no doubt in my mind that I can get out of this room without having to commit murder.

“The door isn’t locked Avery, but there’s no way I’m letting you out of my sight. The Crow was very clear about keeping you in the house, safe and secure.”

I glare over at him and I wait. I wait until I’m sure Atticus has left and is on the road to the meeting. Luca checks his phone a couple of times and I’m careful about being discreet as I take note of where he’s keeping his phone. The same pocket has a slight bulge, either a wallet or keys and the main doors of this place will require a swipe card to get through. He also has three guns, one in his boot and two on either side of his hips.

I pout. I pout in a way that I’ve never pouted before with anyone other than my family. I force my eyes to get a little teary, I huff out a breath a few times like I’m throwing a full mental tantrum and when Luca’s shoulders slump a little, I know I’ve psyched him out. He thinks I’m lost without my phone and my endless supply of helpers so now is the right time to act.

I feign a slip.

One of the biggest lessons Lips had taught me was to work smart not hard.

Luca is easily three times the size of me. He’s tall, taller even than Ash, and he’s obviously been working out even more now that he’s not being forced to follow the Jackal around all day. There’s no way in a fair fight I’d be able to win against him.

So, I’m not going to fight fair.

It’s not fair of them to all think that I can’t handle myself in this situation. They won’t let me make my own decisions about what I can and can’t do which is utterly ridiculous because I’m not overestimating what I can handle.

I knew I couldn’t kill Diarmuid so I asked Aodhan to do it for me.

I know I would be safest here while Illi and Aodhan went hunting for whoever is sending the photos in the first place so I didn’t argue about it.

Not once have I let my ego lead me to my own destruction.

I leave that idiotic bullshit to the men.

So as I pace the floor in front of the bed I wait until I’m out of Luca’s reach and I cry out, crumpling to the ground like I’ve twisted my ankle. My bag is within reach from here and thankfully Lips has given me a list of things to always have on hand.

The number one thing being cable ties.

Luca jumps up from the bed and rushes over to me, crouching down to fuss over me like I’m a damsel in distress.

It’s like riding a bike, the amount of times Lips and I worked on the simple maneuver and in under three seconds I have Luca on his back with his hands secured behind his back. I’d asked her about it but she had learnt it from an old Taekwondo teacher she had in the Bay. It’s the one thing she’s still very closed mouth about, that man who taught her how to disarm people like size doesn’t matter at all.

“What the fuck?!” Luca grunts and I lower myself down under I can whisper in his ear, “Compliments of the Wolf of Mounts Bay. I choose not to kill you on a daily basis. Remember that.”

I then pull his phone out of his pocket and dial Illi’s number, frisking him for keys or a Copyright 2016 - 2024