All Hail - J. Bree Page 0,84


He didn’t even attempt to call me after the gala, why would he bother now?

If it weren’t for Aodhan, the idea to give up on men altogether would be too tempting right now.

After I’ve filled my freezer with my baked goods and scrubbed my kitchen completely, I spend an hour on the phone with Ash to talk him down from running after Lips while she’s on a recon trip at the Chaos Demon MC.

Harley went with her, leaving Ash to babysit Blaise because of the groupie problem he’s been having, but my brother is not a man to sit around while the love of his life is in danger. If I were there with them it would be different, he could convince himself that watching me was a greater priority and Harley is more than capable to watch after Lips, but Blaise can take care of his own… we all know it.

Then I spend a few hours working on my dancing again because now that I stepped over that threshold with Aodhan’s prodding, I’m craving the burn again.

I go to bed that night with a text from Aodhan that he’s still working the shipment and not to wait up. I’m grumpy about it, who wouldn’t be when orgasms that good are on the line, but the fact that he’s letting me know where he is without ignoring me or making me feel guilty about wanting to know is another big point for him.

I’m woken by a phone call from Aodhan at stupid-o-clock. I haven’t been woken up at this time since school finished and I’ll admit I’m not in the best mood about it, especially because I went to bed alone.

“Someone had better be dying. If this is a booty call, I swear I will never touch your dick again.”

He huffs at my comment and then there’s a little pause before he speaks, just long enough that I sit up in my bed as I prepare myself for the worst. “Listen to me, Queenie, I don’t wanna do this. I really fucking don’t, but I need you to go with the Crow back to his place for a few days.”

I freeze and my tone goes icy cold without thought, “And why exactly would I want to do that? You know—“

He interrupts me, “I know exactly what that asshole did and I promise you, I’m not fucking happy about this. Something happened over here and I just need you safe for a few days while Illi and I sort it out. I called him before I called you but only because… fuck.”

There’s a beeping noise down the line and when I check my phone, I find Illi trying to call me too. My insecurities might make me doubt Aodhan’s intentions but I know Illi would rather bleed Atticus out than send me over there without backup so whatever is happening, it’s serious.

“Tell me everything while I pack a bag. You’d better promise me you’ll be back to pick me up the second you can, O’Cronin, or I’ll send the Wolf after you with a knife in the dark. We both know she’d do it for me.”

He huffs and I can hear talking in the background of the call, lots of female voices, young and old. He’s home, I can catch a few Gaelic words but I have no idea what they mean, I only recognize the intonation.

“I know she would and if it were for you, Queenie, I’d let her but… my house was shot up while I was working down at the docks. A spray of bullets over half the compound and no one saw a thing. The security cameras were cut so I have no fucking clue who was behind it. I assumed it was payback for Diarmuid because he did have a lot of friends but when I made it home to check out the damage, I found a photo tacked to my front door from your little stalker… you and me with our eyes crossed out.”

I curse under my breath and pull out one of my overnight bags, carefully folding my pajamas and underwear in there. Once it’s full I pull out another and pack away jeans, shirts, yoga pants, and a few light sweaters.

I pack a third with dresses.

You never know how many outfit choices you might need and I’m angry enough to want a lot of options here.

“So we’re being stalked and threatened together. Lovely. Did you tell Atticus about this yet or shall I Copyright 2016 - 2024