All Hail - J. Bree Page 0,8

day they’ve left, I woke up with Lips and Ash arguing in my bedroom about waking me up. Ash wanted to force me onto the bus because he couldn’t bear to leave me behind.

He messages tell me he’s still feeling that way.

I hesitate for a second and then I snap a photo of myself in the car with the O’Cronins, my outfit and red lipstick clearly in view and then I send it to her with a single line of text.

Wish me luck, the Bay isn’t going to know what hit it.

Aodhan chuckles at me and says, “You know they’ll turn around and come back for you, right? There’s no way they’ll let you go.”

My phone buzzes and I hold my breath a little as I check it.

Down at the docks? Illi is around, text him if you need anything. Have fun and remember to stab first. I love you.

I refuse to get weepy over Lips trusting me. I refuse to cry over her finally feeling comfortable telling me she loves me, that we’re as close as blood these days and the universe brought us together to start this rag-tag family together.

Great, maybe I will cry.

“We have, what, four hours maybe until they get here? Let’s head straight for the bar when we get there,” Jack snarks from the backseat and I huff at them both.

“They’re not coming back. I can go out if I want to, I’m not their prisoner.”

Aodhan grins and I’m tempted to ruin his life. They’re both baiting me to convince me that this is a good idea. They want me angry and fighting back about going out so I enjoy my night but… I’m still on the fence about it.

I wish I wanted to go out and drink and find some stupid man to spend the night with. I wish I wanted to act my age for a minute but really, I just want to stay home and plan out how to take control of the Bay completely.

How could drinking and sex compare to total world domination?

“There’s still time to plan tomorrow. I’ll even help out with it, I’ve met half the fucking Bay already. I’ll know whoever you need me to know.”

I slide me phone into the pocket of my blazer as the lights of the Bay slower start to get less reliable the closer we get to the docks. There’s a reason this area is called the slums, the city doesn’t exactly care about this place.

“Have you met Colt or Chance Graves? Or Grimm? They’ve all spent time here before and Illi has met Colt a few times. They’re all on my list.”

Jack groans. “We’ve met them and I hope that list of yours is a hit list.”

Aodhan gives him a look in the rearview mirror. “They’re the Wolf’s blood, you might wanna shut the fuck up.”

Jack shrugs and it’s a little suicidal, like he’s kind of hoping that speaking like this will end it all for him.

“Colt is… fuck, he’s not so bad. He’s a biker and the whole lot of them are fucking assholes but he’s got a line. He’s not like Grimm, he’s good enough, I guess. Chance is another story.”

Illi has said as much.

Chance sent his brother down here instead of himself to die at the Butcher’s hands. It sounds exactly like something Joey would do and we’ve been careful about making sure the guys don’t hear too much about him until we decide what we’re doing about these siblings of Lips’.

Ash for one will gut him without second thought if he is a threat to Lips.

Harley and Blaise would too but after living with Joey for so long and having his hands tied by Senior, there’s no way Ash would ever let it come to that again.

The problem is we need to be sure about him before we do anything.

“Grimm’s a piece of shit. I wouldn’t go after him unless you’ve got the fire power and his death is a sure thing,” Aodhan says, a frown on his face as he pulls into the parking lot.

He cuts the engine but none of us move.

He stares out of the windshield for a minute before finally he sighs and says, “Look, there’s something else you need to know about Grimm if you’re digging around in his shit. He’s trying everything he can to infiltrate the Unseen and take them out. He’s sure they put a hit out on him and he’s fucking insane about it.”

I tilt my head at him. Copyright 2016 - 2024