All Hail - J. Bree Page 0,79

He’s wearing a suit but it fits to his thick body in a way that looks off, like everything was cut on the bias and now it’s warped. He looks just as evil and sadistic as I’ve always known him to be so that isn’t the surprise.

The surprise is Lauren Drummond kneeling at his feet.

The missing daughter of the MBPD Chief is completely naked except for the rope looping Shibari-style around her and binding her. The art form itself is usually exactly that, an art, but the way it’s been done to her is disgusting to look at and I imagine extremely painful to her.

The ropes are wrapped around her breasts are so tight that her skin is purple, her nipples barely discernible from the rest of her skin thanks to the coloring and mottling. Tears run down her blank face but she isn’t sobbing or even really crying, it’s like her body is going through the motions but her mind is completely gone.

It’s the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen.

“Amanda! What are you doing down here so early? I thought you were too busy rounding up the sheep to come and play with us.”

She smiles at him like he hung the moon and it’s a struggle to keep the repulsion off of my face. Atticus is locked down hard and fast, not a single twitch or flinch to be seen in his face. Even his arm that I’m holding is relaxed which is good because it means they can’t see the tenseness of my own stance.

“I brought your son and one of his little birdies to see you, Randy. She’s not to your taste but I think Holden would like her.”

Randy? I want to vomit and I keep my face blank but at the mention of Atticus’ older and completely vile brother I have to force myself not to run screaming out of the room. Sure enough one of the doors behind the table opens and out he walks, tucking his shirt back into his slacks so there’s no mistaking what he’s been doing out there.

New plan.

I’ll call Illi back here to burn the place down to the ground, locking the door first so that we kill everyone in here while we’re at it. Just wipe the entire place off of the map and be done with it because the entire Crawford family is disgusting except for Atticus.

How the hell he ended up decent in that household is a miracle.

“Well, well, little Avery Beaumont. You grew up!” Holden says with a smirk and then he makes a big show of looking around me. “Where’s Alexander? I thought the two of you were attached at the hip… honestly I thought he went from your mother’s tits to yours but I’m not one to judge.”

I loathe this man.

I loathe him almost as much as I loathed Joey’s existence.

“Lovely, my entire night has been ruined. All we need now is the pedophile drug addict to round things off. Where is Bing these days? Thailand? Cambodia?” I snark, and Atticus groans at me under his breath as Holden’s eyes light up.

“I always did love a girl with spirit. I could break you nicely, Beaumont, and without your father around there’s no one to save you now.”

I roll my eyes at him, ignoring the danger I’m in because there’s something about him that digs in under my skin. Probably the fact that, unlike Bingley, Holden looks similar to Atticus and Clarissa, their mother. Seeing the same steely gray eyes staring at me like he wants to flay the skin from my body is infuriating to me.

I hate the man.

“There are a lot of people who know that I’m here tonight. If you want to piss them off then go for it, Holden. I dare you to break me.”

Lauren’s eyes flicker at the scathing tone of my voice, like maybe hearing it is triggering some kind of memory in her void-like state and she’s remembered who she really is but then it’s gone and she’s back to being nothing but a naked girl again.

Holden smirks at me and takes a step forward, that smirk turning vicious when Atticus moves to stand fully in front of me. Luca steps in closer to us both but he doesn’t have the chance to throw himself at Holden and take the creep down.

Amanda holds up her hand and, shockingly, Holden stops in his tracks. “She belongs to the Wolf of Mounts Bay, has a diamond around her neck and Copyright 2016 - 2024