All Hail - J. Bree Page 0,72

in as his cum drips down my leg.

Miraculously, I stay calm about it. Probably because I’m still riding the high of my orgasms and somewhere in my brain, I know I’ll be able to talk him into sharing a shower with me before we sleep.

“Count me in on your plans of eating me out every night. It was much better than I thought it would be.”

Aodhan scoffs at me. “You thought I’d be shit at it? Thanks, Queenie, you know how to sweet talk your man.”

My man, Jesus H. Christ. “No, I meant I didn’t expect to enjoy cunnilingus that much. I always thought it’d be too… wet.”

Aodhan’s arm tenses around me. “There goes my afterglow. You mean to tell me that asshole didn’t go down on you? He just fucked you at a gala and didn’t even make sure you enjoyed it? What exactly is the history between you two, Queenie? I’m a little fucking confused and I can’t exactly ask Harley about your dating life. He’d rage out and break something, probably my face, and I like it too much to have it rearranged.”

I sigh and lean back in the bed, trying not to feel so uncomfortable at talking about this because… he just ate me out and fucked me so hard my legs are still shaking, I doubt this is any more revealing than that.

“I dated a bit in high school after Atticus rejected me. I made out with a few guys and… there was one guy I thought about having sex with. I went as far as giving him a blow job but then he cheated on me with the worst fucking whore in the school so I broke up with him.”

Aodhan grumbles under his breath, his fingers stroking over the soft skin of my stomach. “What a fucking idiot. Tell me your brother beat the life outta him.”

I don’t talk about this with anyone… ever. But it feels like that little bubble is around us both again so nothing outside of us exists. “He didn’t take the break up well. Ash and Harley tormented him, which he deserved, but in typical asshole fashion he cornered me in the bathroom and tried to rape me. He said I was a tease because he would have never cheated on me if I hadn’t led him on.”

Aodhan’s entire body freezes until he’s barely breathing but I continue, better to get the whole story out and into the air so I won’t ever have to speak about it again, “So he cornered me in the upperclassmen bathroom and there’s no way I could fight him off. He was a football player and my brother had done everything in his power to make sure I never had to get physical with anyone. I’m a dancer so I have upper body strength but it was like no matter how hard I pushed against him, he’d push back twice as hard. I was terrified… and then suddenly he was shoved away from me and I was so relieved because I knew only my brother or Harley or Blaise would have come to my rescue like that. I was safe if one of them had found me.”

He tugs me over until I’m lying on my side facing him, his arm over my hip keeping me close. “You’re lucky they did.”

I give him a rueful smile. “They didn’t. The scholarship student I’d spent the entire year terrorizing did. See, my psychotic older brother had become obsessed with her and no matter what I did, this girl wouldn’t drop out. I threw everything I had at her and she just dodged it all. Or endured it, the stuff that Joey did to her… she just kept going. She was the last person I would have expected to help me but she didn’t hesitate. Not once. She took him to the ground and knocked him out like she was some sort of trained killer… we’ve been best friends ever since and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.”

Aodhan nods and a slow smile stretches over his lips. “The Wolf and the Queen, Mounts Bay doesn’t stand a chance.”

I hum under my breath quietly as I think, an annoyingly resistant habit of mine. “I’ve been considering that… about how exactly we’re going to keep the Twelve under our control. We already have three members in the family, the Butcher backs us… as well as other big players. Atticus is our ally and, no matter how much Ash Copyright 2016 - 2024