All Hail - J. Bree Page 0,3

our last dinner together.

I don’t tell anyone that it’s supposed to be eaten separately because then they’d all know that I’m not coping as well as I’m pretending to be. Lips watches me a little too closely so I already know that she’s suspicious but the guys all miss it.

They always have.

Not that I’m upset by that at all. As the only girl in our family for years, it was always good to know that I could hide my feelings from them all if I needed to… which was most of the time. Ash and Harley are both too protective and Blaise would tattle to them both without a second thought.

The thing that makes Lips the perfect best friend is that she knows all of this without me saying a word and not once has she tried to convince me to go with them on tour. The relief of knowing she trusts me to get through this my own way is overwhelming.

This is why she’s my family.

“I’m packing your bags for you. I’m not leaving here without you.”

Ash, on the other hand, will not leave me alone about coming with them.

I roll my eyes at the sound of his voice but I manage to keep my face calm and serene as he stalks into the kitchen wearing one of Blaise’s band tees and a pair of Harley’s sweatpants. You’d almost think their relationship was a true poly-style orgy at the way they’ve all become so codependent but Ash is as straight as they come.

I hand him a platter of roast vegetables and a jug of gravy, ignoring the huff he gives me. When I move to grab another platter of food, he snaps at me to leave it for him to carry like it’s somehow too heavy for my delicate hands.

Ash Beaumont is chivalry in the most arrogant and snarling package.

I adore him.

That doesn’t mean I’m going to live under his ridiculous rules just to ensure nothing could ever possibly happen to me again. He’d smother me in under a week and I might have complied while we were at Hannaford but things have changed.

We’re supposed to be free.

“You’re going to be too busy getting drunk and high to even notice I’m not there. Please don’t ruin our last night together.”

Ash’s eyes narrow at me and I shrug at him. “It’s true. I don’t just want this for me. You need to go and have fun with your girlfriend. Act your age for a few weeks and just forget about everything that happened. Illi will be here if anything happens but nothing will happen. Your whole life can’t be about keeping me safe, Ash. You need to figure out exactly what you want to do now school is over.”

I follow him into the dining room and we find Harley snarking at Blaise while he pours out drinks for everyone. My Mounty is tucked under Blaise’s arm at the table with an AirPod in one ear as she hums along to a Vanth song, working on her trauma before they’re on tour. I already know about her plans to surprise him and she’s working hard to make it happen.

Nothing about Ash’s appearance or facial expressions changes but I know him better than I know myself.

He’s desperate for the time away.

I don’t blame him for it.

He waits until we’ve placed the tray on the table and headed back to the kitchen for the last of the food before he says, “Illi is going to be busy with Odie.”

I should have known Lips would tell them all. I roll my eyes at him. “She’s pregnant, not terminal, she won’t need all that much from him on a daily basis. You better hope none of you knock Lips up while you’re away if pregnancy is that foreign a concept to you.”

He huffs at me and snaps, “Like I’d ever risk our bloodline being passed down.”

I sigh as he stalks back into the dining room. I almost feel sorry for them all for having to deal with his sour mood while they’re gone… almost, but not quite because I’m sure he’ll cheer up the moment they all fall into bed together. Gross.

I take a seat next to Lips and shoot Harley a glare when he grumbles at me over it. Lips shoots a little smile at him and he calms down a little. She wears that smile so hesitantly still, like she doesn’t really want to admit just how happy she is. Like maybe if Copyright 2016 - 2024