All Hail - J. Bree Page 0,29

does ever follows a pattern or reasonable thought process. He’s definitely going to be the one to watch out for because everything I see is a warning sign.

It’s all a little too Joey-like for my comfort.

There’s Wyatt James who lives in Colorado. Single, works as a cop which is kind of hilarious, and other than a photo of him in uniform, his file is almost entirely empty. A blue-collar, upstanding citizen with eyes that I’m now finding all of the Graves siblings share.

It’s a little creepy.

The Boar failed to mention to Lips that her brother Noah Ramsden, six months younger than her and born in Utah, is dead. A drug overdose at the grand old age of seventeen, his mother was a junkie and he spent his entire life in and out of juvie for dealing and stealing offenses. The photo in the file is from grade school and he was a cute kid, far too skinny and a bruise on his cheek that mottles his skin. I make a lot of notes about him because I know for sure that Lips is going to have a lot of questions.

I won’t be surprised if there’s a trip to Utah in our future.

So with Nate and Poe, we know six of the seven siblings. With Atticus already looking into Morningstar it’s probably not a good idea to hand him this information and ask for his help. I’m sure he already has eyes on it but other than the eyes, there’s nothing on these pages linking the siblings with different surnames.

I wonder how the Boar found them in the first place?

I’m up early with a face mask on, lying on my bed texting an old informant about DNA profiling when a text comes through from the Coyote.

Heads up. A search warrant was just issued for your house by the MBPD.

I sit up in my bed and hit dial.

Viola Ayres, the late Senator Ayres daughter and the tech genius girlfriend of the Coyote of Mounts Bay’s girlfriend picks up. “You don’t have time to ream us for waking you up, start hiding your shit.”

I scoff at her as I get up, straightening the hem of my nightgown. “What exactly do you think I keep stashed in my house? There’s nothing here for them to find.”

I’m careful even in my anger to not say anything that could be used against me if they’re also tapping me lines. Viola is a little less cautious which makes me wonder how secure the Coyote’s phone line must be.

I can’t imagine Jackson ever choosing his words with care.

“Well, what’s the phone call for then? I didn’t think we were close enough to sit around gossiping.”

I tip my head back and stare at the pristine white of my ceiling while I try not to lose my cool. “What is the warrant for? I haven’t done anything that would require police to come and destroy my house so who the hell is coming after me? I need to know before I start making phone calls. We’re on a time crunch here, Ayres, you’re spending too much time with Jackson and turning into a pain in the ass.”

She huffs down the line at me and I hear the clicking of her fingers on the keyboard. “Your guess is as good as mine. There’s a gag order on the warrant so only the judge who signed it and the Police Chief know what it’s for.”

The Police Chief.

He was in Senior’s pocket for years, cleaning up after him and getting rid of evidence trails have earned him an obscene amount of money for a man of his caliber.

Maybe this is just his anger at having his side hustle cut off.

He’s on my list of people to replace anyway, maybe this will just speed things up for me.

I take a deep breath and then I get to work.

By the time there’s a knock at my door, an over-the-top thumping of a fist like the man doing it enjoys the power he thinks he has a whole lot, I’m dressed entirely in white again. I’m lucky I look great in the color because with all of the power plays I’m having to make I’m wearing it a lot.

I’ve already called Lips, Illi, and, although I didn’t want to, Atticus to let them know exactly what is happening.

Atticus is on his way.

Illi too but they’re both planning very different actions for what is happening here. The Butcher will be mentally planning out every second of carving Copyright 2016 - 2024