All Hail - J. Bree Page 0,18

consider that.


Atticus looks around the table slowly and then says, “The Jackal’s actions have put a lot of extra eyes on the Bay and that isn’t good for anyone sitting at this table. There’s been Feds here looking into the sudden surge in missing persons and body parts being left on the streets. Now isn’t the time to be running the Game, we should focus on dividing the Jackal’s businesses until the Bay quietens down.”

The Tiger nods along but there’s still a lot of frowning happening in the room.

Aodhan looks around like he’s waiting for someone else to speak up and when no one does he says, “What about the new dealer on the streets? Is no one going to mention the fact that the Jackal’s little plastic baggies have been rebranded and someone is making bank on his product? A lot of money is going in someone’s pocket right now that isn’t a member and with that kind of capital there’s bound to be a new kingpin in town.”

I turn to look at him.

I hadn’t heard of this.

Illi squints at him a little and Aodhan hands him one of the bags. Illi stares down at it for a second, then huffs and turns his hand so I can see it. The cocaine is still there but so is the insignia, only now the eyes have been crossed out with black ink.

Atticus stares across the table at me for the first time tonight and I meet his eyes. It could be nothing. It could be some Mounty kid just making some cash and spending it on nothing but what are the chances of that?

What are the chances that it won’t be the next thing to threaten us all?

Atticus finishes up the rest of the meeting but I choose to keep my thoughts to myself. I need more information. Illi gives me a side-eye and the barest of nods so I know he’s thinking the same thing but when the meeting finally ends, I stay seated.

I’d called ahead and warned the Boar that I needed to speak to him.

The biker president leans back in his chair as we wait for the room to empty around us. Atticus is the last to leave, sharing a look with Illi before he does. Well, sharing a look doesn’t describe it adequately.

He glares and Illi stares him down until finally he leaves.

I’m sure he’s waiting just outside the door but that’s none of my concern right now. I have far more important things to worry about than the man who claims to love me.

“The file you gave me is incomplete. You told the Wolf she has seven siblings. A sister and six brothers. There’re only four siblings listed here and if you add Nate and Poe then that’s six. Who is the seventh?”

The Boar huffs under his breath and makes like he’s going to get up and walk out. “That’s it? That’s what you needed? I’m not telling you shit about the last one. He’s fine, lives a good life, so forget about him.”

I glance at Illi and that’s all he needs to shift and cover the door completely. The Boar looks at him too, his eyes narrowing as he settles back in his seat.

I cross my ankles and link my hands together in my lap. At some point they’re all going to have to change their view of me from the spoiled little rich girl to the woman I really am.

The one who will stop at nothing to get what I want.

I will never be caught off-guard again. I will never ever let some little forgotten piece of our pasts come back to kill us. If Lips has siblings out there, I will know each and every one of them. I’ll study them until I know exactly who they are and what threats they pose to her.

I will never sit at her side in a hospital again.

I take a deep breath and stare down my nose at him. “If you don’t tell me who the last Graves sibling is I will assume you are being non-compliant. I will be reporting back to the Wolf about it. She’ll talk to the Devil, they’re very close these days. Are you sure you want to deal with the repercussions of keeping this information from me?”

The Boar smirks at me, shrugging and glancing back at Illi with that arrogant biker look he’s perfected. “My nephew needs me keeping an eye on Posey, he isn’t going to do shit Copyright 2016 - 2024