All Hail - J. Bree Page 0,11

have to look up to know who it is, the smell of his cologne and the feel of his hand on my skin like a brand is enough for me.

“What the hell are you doing bringing her here? Are you fucking insane?”

The alcohol is still thrumming through my system, warming my blood up and loosening me up, so I laugh at him.

Once again, Atticus Crawford is here to wrap me up in cotton wool and protect me from living my life.

I might be just a little tipsy but I remember not to use his name. “Stag, I’m getting another drink. Is Jack there? I need another margarita.”

I step away from them both only to find Luca waiting behind Atticus. He grins and holds out an arm to me.

I don’t want to but I don’t want to listen to Atticus scold me like a child either so I huff and take it.

“What a lovely surprise, Miss Beaumont. Let me help you out to the car.”

I shake my head but he pulls me along with him anyway. “I’m staying here with my friends. I’m having a good night.”

Luca doesn’t stop, he just nods and coos at me under his breath as though I’m drunk enough not to realize he’s walking me out of the warehouse.

I’ve had two fucking drinks and I don’t want to leave.

“I should warn you that I’m armed and not in the mood to ask again,” I say, and he stops with the cooing but doesn’t slow his steps down at all.

“I get that but the Crow also isn’t in the mood and finding you down here tonight might have just sent him off the rails. He’s already stretched pretty thin.”

There are men dressed in black suits everywhere now and pulling a knife on Luca now would only risk getting me hurt.

I don’t want to think about what Aodhan would do if that happened, or if Lips caught wind of it, so I walk out with him. I still have my phone and I’ll just call my Mounty if I need to. I don’t want to but I can.

I get marched out of the building and into the parking lot. The night air is warm, too warm for the blazer I’m wearing thanks to the dancing, and I’m sure I look like a mess. I don’t really care all that much about what people think of me but this is not how I wanted my night to end.

I’m reconsidering stabbing Luca when a voice calls out to us both, “Get your hand off of her before you fucking lose it. Fuck, you might lose it anyway, I’m not in the mood for dealing with political bullshit.”

Oh thank God.

I turn to find Illi leaning against Atticus’ car, a cleaver already in his hand and a savage smirk across his face.

Luca stops but his arm stays around my waist. “It’s none of your business, Butcher, why don’t you head out to find some chump to bleed out?”

Illi straightens up. “I have, dickhead. Any last words before I ruin your fucking suit?”

I hate this.

I hate that I’m still just the fucking pawn to be fought over.

I get out my phone.

“What’s happened? Illi hasn’t called, I’ll get him on the line.”

I huff. “He’s here. I was drinking and dancing with A—I mean, the Stag and then the Crow showed up and beat his chest because I’m too fucking delicate to dance at a party. I think Illi might cut Luca’s head off. Has he done that before? I assume he knows what he’s doing but probably not good for our alliances if he does.”

There’s a pause and then Lips swears under her breath. “The first fucking night we’re away. Let me call Atticus and ream him. You’re allowed to fucking live.”

There’s a crunching sound and then Atticus says from behind us, “Get in the car, Avery.”

I refuse to turn back and look at him so I miss Aodhan arriving and taking him to the ground in a single move, Luca cursing under his breath and finally letting me go so he can help out his boss. I can hear the struggle and the sounds of fighting but I don’t so much as glance behind me.

I ignore them all and look up at Illi.

“Take me home. I’m done with this bullshit.”

I wake up before my alarm clock and just lay there in bed staring at the perfect white of my ceiling.

There are at least a dozen things I could be doing right now that Copyright 2016 - 2024