All That Glitters - Danielle Steel Page 0,48

his suggestion. He needs the cash.” She nodded and didn’t respond. She went out after that, and spent the day walking and thinking, and didn’t come back until six o’clock that evening. Nigel was out, and hadn’t left a note for her. He knew that he had gone a giant step too far.

She called Ed Easton the next day on her cellphone from work, and told him about the house in Sussex. Nigel was right. He had gotten it at a very low price, but he still shouldn’t have done it without consulting her.

“Your new husband is spending your money like water,” Ed commented. “As your trustee, I have to warn you that’s not wise.”

“Am I broke yet?” she asked with a sigh.

“Far from it. But you will be one day if he keeps this up.”

“I’m planning to shut him down.” She asked him to transfer the price of the house to her bank account in London, and he said he’d take care of it. He couldn’t resist adding a comment, maybe because she had ended it with him, or maybe because he believed it.

“I’m glad we got the prenup we did. I felt a little guilty about making it so tough on him, but now I’m glad I did.”

“So am I,” she said clearly. “Thanks, Ed.” And then she hung up. Even if things weren’t going smoothly with Nigel, she had no regrets about Ed, and knew she never would.

Chapter 8

Leslie gave the magazine notice on Monday and told them that she would be leaving at the end of June. Starting her own business had always been her dream and she wanted to pursue it. She had just turned thirty-nine, without a husband or children, and she figured it was the right time to give it a try. She had no encumbrances, and thanks to her late aunt, she had the money now to do it.

Coco told Nigel that night that she was going to pay for the house in Sussex, but if he did anything like that again, she would leave him. She wasn’t going to let him ruin her financially so he could show off to his friends. He thanked her profusely, and swore he wouldn’t buy any more houses or make any more financial commitments without consulting her. He acted almost like a child who had been punished, and she realized that even though he was ten years older than she was, he was immature and irresponsible. It wasn’t a happy discovery, but it was what she had to deal with. Nigel was a charming child as long as he got his way, and a very nasty one when he didn’t. He manipulated her by withholding love.

He was supervising the contractors at both houses, so at least Coco didn’t have to worry about it. She was planning to give notice at the magazine two weeks after Leslie had, so they could leave at the same time. She hadn’t told Nigel about her new job yet. Communication between them was still strained, and they hadn’t made love since he bought the house in Sussex. She was too upset about it. The day before she was planning to give notice, he came home looking as though the world had come to an end. He poured himself a stiff drink, sat down on the couch, and glanced at her with a miserable look on his face.

“Is something wrong?” She wondered if he was sick.

“You could say that. They announced some departmental changes in advertising and marketing today. Cutbacks. I got fired, Coco. I’m out of a job, after five years.” He was taking it hard, and she felt sorry for him. His ego had taken a big hit. He didn’t earn a big salary, but it paid for all his expenses, so he didn’t need to ask her for money.

“I’m sorry,” she said gently. “You’ll find another job.” He nodded, and then halfway through his scotch, he cheered up a little.

“I guess it’ll give me more time to stay on top of what the contractors are doing at both houses.” The city house was supposed to be ready in August, and Sussex in September. But overseeing the renovations wasn’t meant to be a full-time occupation in lieu of a real job. She didn’t like the idea of his staying out of work to check on the houses. That should have been in addition to his regular employment.

“I think you ought to look for another job,” she said Copyright 2016 - 2024