All That Glitters - Danielle Steel Page 0,27

from now. It would scare me to death. I’m not ready for that kind of responsibility,” she said honestly. But she did have the responsibility of a large inheritance she had to make decisions about. She had people to advise her, but never mentioned any of that to Nigel. She was extremely discreet about her circumstances.

“Some women are so desperate to get married. It’s a bit unnerving. I don’t care when I marry, as long as it’s to the right woman,” he said sensibly, “and I’d like to have children. I just haven’t met the right woman yet. I don’t have to worry about an heir for the title or the estate, since I don’t have either one, which takes the pressure off.” He was totally free and open to the possibilities of what life presented to him, and he was candid about admitting he didn’t like his job. He seemed more interested in his social life and his friends.

He was a very relaxed person without an agenda, which made him easy to be with. She liked him a lot. He was half pal, half flirt, which she liked too. His flirtatious side made her feel like a girl, and his acting like a pal the rest of the time made him good to talk to, though not as good as Sam. But they had no history with each other as she and Sam had. “By the way, there’s a very grand house party next weekend, if you’d like to come. Fabulous house, a castle actually, one of the finest in England. They keep it going with tours of the house and grounds, which is quite awful really, but very lucrative. They give wonderful house parties, and you’ll meet some fun people. Separate bedrooms of course, if you like. I think they have forty guest rooms, so it won’t be a problem. I think you’d enjoy it.” He made it sound so appealing, she couldn’t resist. She had heard of the castle when he told her the name. He seemed to move in only the best circles, and was accepted everywhere. She was touched by his generosity in including her. She told him she was happy to accept, and took him up on the offer of separate bedrooms, since they had just met.

She mentioned it to Leslie when she went back to work.

“You’ll never be bored with Nigel. I think he goes to three parties a night. He knows everyone in London. He’s a good guy, very good family, though his older brother got everything of course when their father died. That’s how it works here. But Nigel will always land on his feet. He’s always such a positive presence. I adore him. I’m glad you two hit it off. He’ll introduce you to everyone, and you won’t have a free night for a year.” It was the busiest Coco had ever been, but it was a great start to her time in London, and Leslie’s endorsement put her at ease about him. Leslie and Nigel had been childhood friends, like she and Sam, though not quite as close in age, since they were five years apart. She said she’d gone to school with a cousin of his. People from good families all seemed to know one another or be connected somehow.

He texted her what she needed to bring for the weekend, so she’d be properly dressed and wouldn’t feel awkward, which seemed thoughtful to her, so she didn’t have to guess. She packed everything he suggested and a few extras, for formal dinners, casual lunches, hiking, hunting if she chose to tag along. She had it all in two suitcases when he picked her up on Friday afternoon in a magnificent racing green vintage Jaguar. She felt incredibly chic as they drove the three hours to the castle he had told her about. She’d read up on it the night before. It sounded fabulous, and the family that owned it was interesting as well. The castle had been built by the family in the fifteenth century, and enlarged two hundred years later. All of the contents and structure were original. She couldn’t wait to see it in real life and not just photographs.

“I love your car!” she said, as they drove along. He had the top down, and she was wearing a scarf and felt like Grace Kelly in To Catch a Thief. With his blue-eyed, blond good looks, and easy aristocratic style, there was something naturally Copyright 2016 - 2024