All-American Princess - Maggie Dallen Page 0,36

blinked up at her. Amber ate lunch with Brandon every day. Some of her other friends typically joined them, but Brandon was always there. While she’d been unfailingly nice to me, she hadn’t broken whatever understanding she had with Jack that made me persona non grata around Brandon. Honestly, I found their behavior annoying on Brandon’s behalf. They treated him like some sort of child. Like he couldn’t handle himself. Like he might cave and get accidentally torn away to Los Angeles just by being in close proximity to me.

She widened her eyes expectantly, and I fought paranoia. What’s the catch?

“Uh, yeah,” I said. “That would be great.”

I picked up my tray of garbage and followed Little Miss Sunshine across the cafeteria to the table where Brandon sat, along with a handful of pretty girls. I recognized some of them, but I’d never gone out of my way to learn their names.

I didn’t make an attempt now either. They gave me wary looks as I slid into the seat beside Brandon, and I ignored them outright.

“So,” I said. “You’re speaking to me now.”

Brandon stared down at his plate, most likely embarrassed that I’d called him out on it. He’d been civil but distant whenever I approached him. For weeks now, I’d been getting the polite cold shoulder—a feat only a good guy like Brandon could pull off.

He looked up from his plate and gave me a small smile. “This was Amber’s idea.” He nodded toward where she watched over us like a worried mother hen. “She felt sorry for you.”

I pressed my lips together. Awesome. Cindy Lou Who felt sorry for me. That was exactly what I was hoping to hear. I stole one of the apple slices from his plate. Apparently, he brought his own lunch, and right about now, I needed all the sustenance I could get. “Still playing hard to get?”

He fought a smile and lost.

Holy crap, no wonder my dad wanted him so badly. This close, I was reminded all over again of the close resemblance he bore to his father—the same classic movie star good looks. The guy was beyond handsome, and the way he looked at me now with the sexy, knowing grin? Yeah, I could definitely see the attraction.

Just like that, I had daydreams flitting through my mind about the two of us out on the town in Hollywood. Of the paparazzi following us, of my father proudly presenting us to the rest of the cast, of our cute couple photo gracing the cover of People magazine.

Then he sighed, and the sound dashed the daydreams. “Look,” he said. “I’m glad Amber brought you over here.” He brushed crumbs off his hands and turned to face me. “We should talk.”

I nodded. “Talking, sure. I can do that.” Although, from the regretful way he looked at me, I thought I knew what he was going to say.

My stomach plummeted. I mean, on one hand, I wanted this nightmare purgatory to be over, and if he outright refused me once and for all, I’d be done. But if I went home emptyhanded… well, then I’d truly be done. Like, finished.

“Please, don’t say no.” I surprised myself with the pleading in my tone.

His eyes widened a bit, and I even saw a flash of pity, but he shook his head sadly. “Look, I appreciate the offer. I really do. But—”

“But what?” I reached for his hand. “Brandon, listen to me. No one is asking for a lifetime commitment. They’re not even asking for a commitment at all. All I need is for you to come to Los Angeles with me and meet with my father and some of the other executives.”

He met my gaze, and his was filled with disbelief. “That’s it?”

I nodded. Not quite able to voice that. It was the first step. If I could get him there, my father would be temporarily assuaged. If I could get him there, I could tempt him with all the things he could have if he signed on the dotted line.

He could have it all. Fame. Money. Power.

Everything I wanted. Everything I needed. He could snare it all—for himself and for me.

He shook his head, and the moment was nearly lost. “My mother would never go for it. It would kill her if I went to Hollywood.”

His mother. I’d suspected that was the holdup. I knew it, actually. But he needed the money—that much I also knew. I licked my lips. Tess and I had done our due Copyright 2016 - 2024