The Alien's Equal (Drixonian Warrior #7) - Ella Maven Page 0,26

stood in a silent line. There was even a slight breeze which fluttered the fabric of their robes around their legs, as they’d been roused out of their sleep.

Naomi cried quietly while Miranda seemed to be praying. Honestly, the whole thing felt a little like a funeral procession.

I stepped in front of them wearing a pair of pants I’d made with Anna’s help weeks ago—dark cargo pants that wouldn’t win any fashion awards but had a lot of very deep pockets, including my prized knife. My shirt fit snug against my torso, and I’d strapped on the most comfortable shoes I owned which had a boot-like sole but a sneaker-like upper, my version of hiking Chucks. Honestly, I thought I looked a little badass. Like Lara Croft but with less skin, guns, and cleavage.

“I’m not dead yet, guys. Christ,” I sniped. In hindsight, that was the wrong thing to say, but I’d never been good with blatant displays of emotion.

Frankie’s head snapped up. “I can’t believe you,” she hissed. I was about to retort I was doing this for all of them when I saw the flood of tears streaming down her cheeks. Then her face crumpled, and she dissolved into sobs. “Oh Frank,” I muttered as I hurried to her and gathered her in my arms.

She was a little thing—the only one smaller than her was Naomi. Her head dropped to my shoulder where she continued to weep. Our position was awkward with her massive belly between us. “I’ll be back before you know it. With some Uldani scalps or something.”

She snorted and I ignored the mucus wetting my shirt. “If anything happens to you,” she sniffed, “I’m going to burn this planet down.”

I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the prick of tears. The friendship I’d made with these women meant everything to me. “That’s a deal, you little pyro.”

Withdrawing myself from her embrace, I dropped to a knee and placed my palms on her belly. Her skin rippled beneath my touch as her baby moved, and I swallowed around the lump in my throat. “You be good for your, mama, little one.” I swore the baby gave me a high-five in response.

One-by-one, I said goodbye to the girls. Miranda talked to me about not doing anything risky, Val gave me a few medical supplies I slipped into my pack, and Tabitha wailed in my ear. The two of us had grown close while all the other women found their mates. I’d enjoyed single Tabby, but she was happier with Xavy than I’d ever seen her.

Standing in front of her mom was Bazel, who gave me a red armband like the warriors wore. “Because you’re a warrior now, too, Justine.”

I did cry at that. I blubbered like a fool while Bazel’s little fingers fastened the armband around my biceps. I hugged her and reminded her with a whisper in her ear to fill Mozart’s feeder.

Swiping at my face, I came face to face with a line of warriors blocking our exit from the gate. The whole council was there as well as Tark, Shep, and Hap.

Nero stepped to my side and linked our hands together. He wore a pair of pants, boots, and a vest with lots of inner pockets full of weapons and gadgets. A slim pack sat on his back with supplies, a comm, and his precious tablet which was essential to our mission.

Elsewhere in the clavas was the buzz of warriors preparing for battle. While we were leaving now the entirety of the Drix army wouldn’t be far behind. They’d arrive in the woods surrounding Alazar around sunup to wait for our signal to attack.

“This goes against everything I believe to send you into danger,” Daz said, his deep voice carrying over the silence of the gathering crowd. “But I also have to face that times are changing. We can’t continue to let the Uldani threaten our way of life, all while stealing human women from Earth.”

Daz’s gaze slid to Nero. I could see the conflicting emotions in Daz’s posture and in the tightening of the skin around his eyes. “Brother.”

“Drexel,” Nero answered.

“I wouldn’t trust anyone else with this mission.”

Nero puffed out his chest, pride evident in the lift of his chin. “Thank you.”

“If all goes well, we’ll see you in battle.”

Nero nodded. Daz stepped forward, grasped Nero by the back of his neck and slammed their foreheads together. For the longest time, no one made a sound. The breeze whipped Daz’s hair around Copyright 2016 - 2024