The Alien's Equal (Drixonian Warrior #7) - Ella Maven Page 0,13

turned and surveyed my next move.

Getting back to the council room was surprisingly easy. Most of the warriors no longer gawked at us women, used to seeing us about the grounds. And I wasn’t known as a friendly one like Tabitha, who pre-Xavy would wave and blow kisses to any Drix who looked her way. Since I ignored most Drix, they in turn ignored me.

I shuffled my way along the wall while warriors stuffed their faces with lunch and then jogged down the hallway leading to the council room. There, a massive door blocked my way, which wasn’t surprising. The good news was that the door wasn’t soundproof. Booming voices could be heard from inside. I pressed my ear to the door and strained to make out the words.

“You only want us to disable one entrance.” I recognized the voice as belonging to Bosa, the Kaluma leader. “How are you going to invade Alazar? They’ll pick you off one by one before you can do any damage.”

“We’re sending one warrior.” That was Daz’s deep rumble. “Two at the most if we can get another one trained.”

“They’ll be vulnerable.”

“We’re aware.” His words sounded heavy, like he knew the weight of his decision. “But this is the only way. We have one warrior who knows the complicated system that the Uldani uses to run their tech. They hide behind their long-range weapons. We shut down their access to it, and the war is about fighting strength.” He paused. “We will win that fight.”

“We will fight at your side.” Kaluma answered. “You mentioned training?”

“We only have one warrior with the tech knowledge. He has advised he could use a partner, but as of yet, we haven’t found a suitable trainee.”

Wait, who were they sending in? They hadn’t mentioned that. And then it dawned on me as I recalled Nero’s massive wall of screens and the dashboard that seemed to control an entire planet. “No,” I whispered as a black hole opened in my gut at the thought of Nero entering Alazar all alone on what could very well be a suicide mission. I imagined Nero hurt. Taken prisoner. Killed. “No,” I choked out as I pressed my fist to my mouth.

And then I heard Nero’s quiet voice, so smooth and poised. “If necessary, I will take on the mission myself.”

My spine stiffened as my mind raced. I was a graphic designer by trade, but they had no idea of my abilities. I was a highly trained penetration testing freelancer in the banking industry. If the Drix needed someone to learn the tech, and fast, I was their woman.

Before I could second-guess my decision or come to my senses, I turned the doorknob and opened the door. Taking a step inside, half a dozen purple eyes turned to me, as well as a set of glowing blue. I only looked at one set as I spoke in a voice as loud and clear as I was able. “I’ll go.”



I held Nero’s gaze, and but he didn’t react. He didn’t look away or censure me. I expected him to grab my arm and lead me from the room like a child, but he seemed ready to hear me out. I licked my lips and shifted my gaze to Daz. “I’ll be the trainee.”

Bosa started laughing, and although the Kaluma were some of the most attractive creatures I’d ever seen in my life, this Bosa was an arrogant asshole. I glared at him. “I don’t see you offering.”

His laughter ended abruptly as his lip curled into a sneer. “I already have a job, little girl. And so do you. Run along and make us some lunch.” His eyes glinted with a wicked smirk. “Return with less clothes on.”

A chair hit the wall, and then in a blur of blue, Nero’s hand wrapped around Bosa’s throat. “Talk to her like that again,” he spat in the Kaluma’s face, “and I don’t give a fleck what you can do, I’ll throw you into the freshas for the portcrewllers to feast on.”

Bosa’s lips curled as he tensed his shoulders “I’d like to see you try, Drix,” he hissed.

“Enough!” Daz roared, the one word echoing off the walls so loudly I was sure the entire dining hall heard it. “Nero, sit.”

“Yeah, Nero,” Bosa mocked. “Behave yourself.”

Daz’s fist slammed down on the table. “Bosa, I’m going to say this one time. As long as you’re here, you treat the females within these walls with respect. If you talk to any of Copyright 2016 - 2024