Aliens Alien Harvest - By Robert Sheckley Page 0,86

She looked at him. "Your arm! What happened?" "Ran into a little trouble," Gill said. "You're using understatement, just like a human." "I suppose it rubs off," Gill said. "A lot of things do. I feel..."


"I feel like I understand a lot more about humans now," Gill said. "It's ... interesting, isn't it?"

"I suppose it is," Julie said. "Are you all right, Gill? You've got a very strange expression on your face."

"I'm fine," Gill muttered. "It's just that ... well, even an android can run out of time."

Suddenly Stan's voice came from across the cabin. "Gill? What are you doing?"

"Just looking after Julie, sir."

"That's good. But she needs to rest now. Come over here. I have some instructions for you."

"Yes, Dr. Myakovsky." He turned to Julie. "Julie ..."

"What is it, Gill?"

"Try not to forget me." Gill stood up and crossed the room.

Stan Myakovsky was huddled up in the control chair. He appeared to be experiencing no pain for the moment. But he had changed. Gill noticed that the doctor seemed to have shrunk inside his own skin, to be falling in on himself.

"Now pay attention," Stan said. "Forget about Julie for a moment. I have work for you to do."

"Yes, sir."

"You are going over to the Lancet to parlay with Captain Potter."

"To what end, sir?"

"Ah, yes," Stan said. "Negotiations usually have a point, don't they? Ours will be different. There's no point at all."

"But what do you want me to accomplish, sir?"

"Oh, that I can easily tell you," Stan said. "I want Potter to take his ship away from here. I will retain the harvester. I will find some way to make rendezvous with Captain Hoban, and we will go back home with our ill gotten gains. How does that sound to you?"

"Wonderful, sir. But I'm afraid - "

"Yes, I am, too," Stan said. "The captain is not going to like it at all. That's why I have something else in mind. Come over here to the workbench, Gill. I have a modification I must make in you."

Gill hesitated. "A modification, sir?"

"You heard me. What is the matter with you?"

"I wouldn't want to change my thinking on certain issues."

Stan looked at Gill then glanced over at Julie, who was resting with eyes closed. "I think I understand. You've undergone quite a little course in humanization, have you not?"

"I don't know what to call it But I've never experienced anything like it."

"I won't change any of those qualities you call emotional, Gill. They are rare and special, I agree with you on that, and sometimes they are a long time coming to men - and to androids, never. Or just about never. No, it's your command structure I need to modify. And something I need to wire into you. It will make it easier for you to do what you will have to do, unless things go a lot better than I imagine they will."

"I wish you'd explain a little more," Gill said, letting Stan take him by his remaining hand and lead him over to the workbench.

Stan checked out his instruments. "Better not to explain too much," he said, fitting magnifying lenses over his glasses. "I'll know what to do when the time comes. And so will you."


There were heavy ground mists when Gill left the harvester and started his trek to the Lancet. The ship loomed eerily in the mounting mists. Gill walked between the force fields. There were aliens out there, and he walked past them. The aliens were searching, but they didn't seem to know what they were looking for.

Gill knew that he had a certain amount of natural immunity, since androids did not smell like men. But to be on the safe side he had taken the last suppressor. Gill touched it on his wrist for luck. He wasn't superstitious, but he knew that men were, and of late he had been seeking to emulate them in every way.

The suppressor was working. It had been Mac's, but that was quite a while ago and now Mac was a bundle of wet fur on a garbage heap in an alien hive.

Gill knew he had to keep his mind on business. Usually, this was no problem for an android. Artificial men weren't bothered by random thoughts, stray insights, weasel realizations that came to them like thieves in the night. Not usually. But this time was different.

Gill found that his attention was divided. Part of him was observing the terrain he passed over, noting the presence and position of Copyright 2016 - 2024