Aliens Alien Harvest - By Robert Sheckley Page 0,76

reached out for Stan's hand. Their fingers touched and clasped. No sooner did Julie have a good grip than she heaved, putting into it every ounce of strength in her slender body. Stan seemed to fly into the air, landing on the edge of the pit.

While he tried to catch his breath, Gill finished off the last of the aliens, scattering arms and legs everywhere. Then he turned to help Stan. Stan tried to get to his feet, then slumped again to the ground. Before anyone could grab him, he slid again into the pit.

"Oh, no!" Julie said. "Hold my ankle, Gill, I'll get him."

They tried, but couldn't reach. Stan appeared to be on the edge of unconsciousness. His eyelids fluttered briefly behind his thick glasses, which miraculously had not been knocked off. His fingers clawed at the debris strewn surface. From behind him, there was another hissing sound. An alien suddenly appeared, two others behind it.

"Kill it!" Julie cried.

"I can't!" Gill said. "Stan's in the way!"

"He's in my way, too!" Julie began to run around the side of the pit, trying to get a clear shot.

The leading alien looked somehow different to her from the others. But at first she couldn't determine how. Then Gill threw a phosphorus flare and she saw that the alien had half his shoulder chewed off. There was also damage to his midsection and head.

But what she wasn't prepared for was the look of those wounds. Instead of flesh and blood, there appeared to be cable and metal fittings in the wound, and small humming servos.

For a moment she couldn't process this information. Then she understood.



Since they pulled him out of the midden, Stan had drifted into a different place. He seemed to be in a spaceless space and a timeless time. It was a world filled with little blue and pink clouds. There were stars in the background, and pools of water. He was not surprised to see Norbert standing in front of him. Nothing could be strange to Stan any longer. He had passed beyond weirdness, into a place where all effects were the same, all part of the great symphony of death, whose opening notes he could hear as though coming to him from a great distance, but getting louder, louder.

This couldn't have been an illusion because it answered him.

Norbert said, "Yes, I am here, Dr. Myakovsky. I am functioning at only twenty seven percent of capacity."

Stan blinked and his vision cleared. He was in the alien garbage midden, lying on his back on mounds of refuge. In front of him, bending over, was Norbert.

"It must have been quite a fight," Stan said, surveying the robot.

"I would say so, Doctor. I killed three of them in a running battle through the hive. Unfortunately, they did damage to me that I fear will prove terminal.''

"Are you afraid?" Stan asked.

"Not in the personal sense, Doctor. By fear, I meant regret that I will no longer be able to serve you as you designed me."

"Can't you turn on your self repair circuits?" Stan asked.

"I tried that, Doctor. They are down. And you did not equip me with self repair units for the self repair units."

"In the future we'll have infinite backups for all systems," Stan said. "Including human ones, I hope. Including mine."

"Are you all right, Doctor?"

"I've definitely had better days," Stan said. "My self repair circuits aren't working right, either." He felt something in his hand and held it up. "Look here! Mac's collar! I've got it!"

"That's fine, Doctor," Norbert said. "I have something, too."

"What is it?" Stan asked.

"This." Norbert reached into the gaping wound in his shoulder and drew out a gooey mass the color of honey.

"What is it?" Stan asked.

"Royal jelly from the queen's birthing chamber," Norbert said. "I was unable to provide a proper container. I'm afraid it's gotten some oil on it, and some blood."

"Doesn't matter," Stan said. He reached out and took the mass. It had a waxy consistency. He put it in his mouth, made himself chew and swallow it. He experienced no immediate effect.

"Great work!" Stan said.

Behind him he heard big objects move and slide around as something came from the interior of the hive.

"Better get going, Doctor," Norbert said. "They're coming. I'll cover your retreat as well as I can."

"I don't see how," Stan grumbled.

"I improvised a weapon. I hope it will suffice."

Stan pulled himself onto his hands and knees and worked his way toward the edge of the pit. Behind him he could hear Copyright 2016 - 2024