Aliens Alien Harvest - By Robert Sheckley Page 0,66

to have reached the queen's chamber."

"You're right," Gill said. "I'll go wake up Dr. Myakovsky."

"I appear to be in an anteroom deep in the middle of the hive," Norbert reported. "I can see the queen's chamber just beyond. These surfaces and angles resemble nothing in my memory bank, Doctor. They seem to have been constructed according to a completely alien system. But that would stand to reason, wouldn't it?"

"You're doing fine," Stan said over the radio. "I just woke up and I'm pleased to see your progress. None of the aliens has sensed yet that you're not one of them?"

"No, Doctor. Though their examinations grow more stringent the deeper we go into the hive."

"I think we have them foxed," Stan said, sounding very pleased with himself. "This anteroom you're in appears to be an interesting place. Can you fix the focus? I can't make out what's on the walls."

"They are large containers," Norbert said. "They appear to be made from a waxy substance similar in molecular makeup to royal jelly. They appear to be filling those containers with jelly."

"Might they be storing water?" Stan asked.

"I don't believe so," Norbert said. "The containers seem to be holding liquids of slightly different colors and densities. The aliens grow quite excited when they go near these containers. They have to be urged by what I take to be the guards to move on. I think that these containers hold royal jelly deposited by certain especially potent queens or queen types. These may be more efficacious than the common run of the jelly, and be prized by the queen accordingly." "With your equipment," Stan asked, "can you ascertain which is the purest?" "There's no difficulty in that, Doctor."

"Then draw me off a sample. This sounds like the pure royal jelly I need."

After a moment Norbert said, "It is done."

"Good," Stan returned. "We'll meet up soon. Bring the sample with you. What are they doing with Mac?"

"The alien holding him has brought him into the queen's chamber. He is offering him to the queen."

"That is the queen ahead? The image is not distinct."

"There is a diffracting vapor in this room, Doctor. It is difficult to make out anything clearly. Take it easy, Mac!"

Stan said, "Why did you speak to the dog?"

"To get him to be quiet, sir. We don't want to mar matters as he is presented to the queen. She is receiving him now. Although I am not expert in alien physiognomy, I'd say she finds pleasure in the gift She's holding him up to her olfactory receptors - "

"You should have killed him first," Julie interrupted.

"I was not instructed to do so," Norbert said. "No matter. He is beyond pain now. Doctor, one of the guards is coming over to me. It is to be another inspection."

"Well, you've passed them before."

"Yes, sir. But there are three guards interested in me this time. It must be because I came so close to the queen. Or maybe it was when I took the sample. I am stepping up my production of pheromones."

"Good idea," said Stan. "Is it helping any?"

"It doesn't seem to be doing much good. They are making odd head movements. I do not know what it means."

"What the hell has gone wrong?" Stan asked urgently. "What are they doing now?"

"They seem suspicious. They have seized me. What do you want me to do, Doctor?"

"Damn it," Stan spat. "I should have gotten you out of there before this! Norbert! Break free and get out!"

"Yes, sir," Norbert said. The big robot whirled, tearing himself free from the aliens' hooked claws. Then, dropping to all fours, he began scuttling down the corridor.

A reverse sensor in the back of Norbert's head clicked on and showed the view: the long winding tunnel curving behind, the three aliens scurrying on all fours after him.

Norbert was running full out. Stan had never seen him go so fast before. A thrill of pride went through him as he witnessed his creation in action. With speed like that, surely ...

Stan could tell from the jarring movement of his sensor lens when the alien guard landed on Norbert's back. Stan winced as though the blow had landed on him. How could the guard be that fast? he wondered.

To Norbert he said, "Fight him off! Get out of there!"

"I'm trying, Dr. Myakovsky. But there are three of them - "

Abruptly the screen went blank.

Stan cried, "Norbert! Can you hear me? Come in!"

"Nothing," Gill said. He touched a dial, shook his head. "He's off the Copyright 2016 - 2024