Aliens Alien Harvest - By Robert Sheckley Page 0,63

rounds with his eyes closed. When he opened them, the alien was dead at his feet Eka Nu hadn't been so lucky, however. The alien on his side had kept on coming on all fours, had grabbed Eka Nu around the shoulders, hugged the crewman to him, then turned him. The two stared face to face for a moment, then the facehugger hit and Eka Nu knew no more.

Morrison found himself alone. He was panting, exhausted, trembling. The guys were all gone He looked around. He didn't see any aliens. Maybe they had left Maybe he could still find ...

Then something moved on the ground. It was the alien he had winged. He was still coming, crawling. And behind him, half a dozen others were starting over.

Yes, Morrison thought, I guess you could say the suppressors had failed. No other explanation.

I did the best I could, he thought as he turned the carbine so its muzzle faced him. He preferred a slug in the mouth to a facehugger.

The harvester's entry lock gave way under repeated blows from the outside. The door flew open. Big bodied, ghastly, and weird, three aliens crowded into it, their eager, evil faces turning at all angles on short powerful necks, checking out the place, alert for danger. They ignored Norbert, protected by his suppressor. The dead crewmen from the harvester required no attention.

Stan, watching from the lander, said, "All right, Norbert. Do it now."

Norbert lifted Mac, removed his collar into which a suppressor was built, and handed him to one of the aliens. The alien showed no surprise, quietly accepted Mac from Norbert's arms.

Handling the dog carefully, the alien turned, left the ship, and joined the others outside. Then, as if in response to an inaudible signal, they all started marching across the plain. Stan, Gill, and Julie watched on their screen as Norbert fell into line behind the group of aliens carrying Mac. Watching from the lander through Norbert's vision sensors was uncannily like being within the robot alien himself, feeling his body sway and move as it negotiated the uneven ground. Stan had to adjust the audio because the wind out there on AR 32's plain had risen swiftly after the mist dissipated and now was shrieking like a banshee, pushing and pulling against the line of aliens, slowing but not stopping them as sand was alternately pushed into mounds in front of them and then suddenly scoured away.

They were moving toward the hive, which was now and then revealed as Norbert changed the angle of his vision from the ground immediately in front of him to the hazy horizon line. The hive was still quite a long way away, perhaps a hundred yards, when the aliens stopped and began looking around.

Stan leaned close to the screen and stared but he couldn't tell what they were looking for a specially coded pheromone signal, perhaps, because they fanned out and continued searching, their heads turning back and forth like hounds following a scent.

At last one of them found something. A silent signal seemed to pass between him and the others, and they all moved together to a piece of ground that looked no different to Stan's eyes than any other. Rooting in the soil, the leading alien dislodged a large flat piece of stone, revealing a shallow tunnel leading into the earth.

The tunnel sloped downward for perhaps twenty feet, then leveled out. It had been made with some care. The light, friable soil was held in by flat rocks, some of which were highly phosphorescent.

"Look at how the roof is shored up," Stan remarked to Gill.

That's more technical skill than we ever gave the aliens credit for."

"It is possible, sir," said Gill, "that their tunnel building abilities are genetic, as is the case with the ants you have studied.

"Yes," Stan said. "Can you see what they're doing, Ari?" He lifted the cybernetic ant on his fingertip and moved his hand toward the screen. "These are like big cousins of yours, aren't they?"

Ari raised his head, but it was impossible to tell whether or not he was thinking anything.

Down in the tunnel, Norbert was reporting that the passageway was widening as they moved closer to the hive. Soon other branchings appeared as the aliens moved; as if by instinct, making their way through the increasingly complex maze without hesitation.

"Norbert, you've been laying down an electronic trail, haven't you?" Stan asked.

"Yes, Doctor. Ever since we were on the outside of this tunnel. But I'm not completely Copyright 2016 - 2024